All posts by Miss McVitie

Make £5 Grow

Primary 7 received their £5 from Virgin Money today. Pupils have been working very hard to in their groups to design a product that they think will sell. The pupils are now extremely excited to start buying resources to make their products.

We are looking forward to seeing the finished products and how well they sell. Good luck to all groups.


Whitelee Windfarm

Yesterday, P7 made sure they were wrapped up to brace the cold wind at Whitelee Windfarm.

Whitelee is the UK’s largest onshore windfarm. It has 215 turbines that generate up to 539 megawatts of electricity, enough to power just under 300,000 homes.

We had the opportunity to hug a wind turbine and listen to the vibrations, make our own wind turbine through scientific enquiry and learn more about renewable energy.


Health and Wellbeing Week

This week has been filled with lots of fun activities link to our Health and Wellbeing week.

Mindful Monday

We took time to think about the reasons why people wear poppies around this time of year.  We then created poppy art work to share the reason why we wear poppies ourselves.

We had great fun showing off our incredible dance moves following Just Dance.

Teamwork Tuesday

We started creating presentations and poster in our Virgin Money teams ahead of pitching our ideas to the primary 7 teachers next week.

We also got the opportunity to work with our P1 buddies, supporting them with their waterproof shelter construction challenge.

Workout Wednesday

P7 completed a series of circuits outside in the morning.  It was rather cold so had to keep moving to keep warm.

Mr Butterfield made us hard in his ‘insanity’ workout.

Thankful Thursday

We took time to think about what we are thankful for.

In class, we revised our Heartstart training and practised CPR – chest compressions and rescue breaths on the little Anne manikins.

Friendship Friday

To mark the end of Heath and Wellbeing week, we got to watch the film Inside Out.

Every Friday we try to update our Shout Out Wall.  We select a piece of paper and write something kind/ something we like about the name of the person written on the paper.


P7 Virgin Money

P7 have starting collaborating together working on the Virgin Money ‘Make £5 Grow’ challenge.

Pupils identified that they would need to demonstrate the following skills in order to become an effective team:

  • teamwork
  • ability to not give up
  • be creative
  • persuasion
  • good listening
  • confidence
  • respectful

We are excited to see what innovative and creative products the groups come up with.

Image result for make £5 grow

For more information: 

Lord Provost Debate

On Friday, we took part in a class debate at the council chambers.  Our motion was: the house proposes that all deforestation of the Amazon should stop.  All our hard work researching both sides paid off.  Lord provost certainly made us think and consider our points.


Our task in PE today was to come up with a new ball game in groups and then teach it to the rest of the class.  Here is what we came up with:

  • Dead Dodge
  • Kick Ball
  • BallyVol
  • Stop Ball

Introducing our first flexible Friday

On Friday the class we introduced to Flexible Friday.  Every Friday the class will complete their set work in the order they choose developing independence.  After they have completed the compulsory set tasks then they work through bonus activities allowing pupil choice.

We look forward to telling you more about Flexible Friday and showing you how this works at our Learning workshop on the 28th of November.

Pe – football

Our focus in PE this term is ball handling. We have been developing this through hockey, basketball and now we have moved onto football. Pupils have taken on a leadership role helping to plan and run stations to develop specific football skills.