Category Archives: Uncategorized

Brain Models

Yesterday, for our Primary 6 science lesson, we looked at the different parts of the brain and their functions.   We watched a video about this, discussed the importance of each of these functions and made model brains using plasticine. We had to show the different sections and the two sides of the brain.  We tried to create the texture of the brain using different art techniques.  To finish, we took photographs and labelled them on the iPad.

Workout Wednesday

Today for Workout Wednesday G’s dad came in and took an Insanity class for us.   It was so hard but really fun.  We were exhausted after it.  We wrote a recount of it afterwords for our writing lesson, parents and families can look at our writing at home by logging into our GLOW accounts with us.


Chocolate Factories

Last week, the  children chose their own groups and then planned their  very own factory room. They then decided on what junk materials to use in order to bring their plan to life.

Today, the children made a start at constructing their very own chocolate factories!

Here is a sneak peak of some of our creations so far.

Class Charter

Our class agreed and voted for our class charter focus to be designed around a volcano. We looked at the well-being indicators and discussed what, we as class, had to do to meet each indicator, and linked these to our rights from the UNCRC.

You will have the chance to see our class charter at the “Meet the Staff” event on Wednesday  4th September.