P4b’s week 07.09.20

We have been busy bees in p4b this week!

Marvellous maths!

The squares have finished their topic on data handling. They had great fun today using excel on the iPads to make bar charts of their class survey.

The squares have also been learning about pictographs this week and have created some super examples, recording some inherited traits in the class.

The triangles have been focusing on time, converting from 12hr digital to and analogue. We have been exploring half past and quarter to and past. Today we were delving into am and pm as well.

The circles have been continuing with area this week. We have been looking at how to set out our area sum correctly and today we were exploring shapes which looked different but had equivalent areas. The children have also been creating a floor plan for their dream house and finding the area of each room.

Super Science.

In science this week, we have been looking at genetics and how we pass down our traits from parent to child in our DNA.

To explore this further, we conducted an experiment using three generations of gingerbread men with different coloured gumdrop buttons as an example. We explored how traits are passed down from our grandparents to our parents and then down to their children using coloured sticks to represent genes and DNA.

We were questioning why it is that siblings have the same parents but exhibit different inherited traits.

We learned that there is enough DNA in the human body to travel from the earth to the Sun and back 100 times!

Wonderful Writing.

In writing with Mrs Houston, we have been looking at paragraphing and describing words. We have written some fabulous pieces of work, describing our special person and how to identify a witch.

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