Our week beginning 26.10.20

It has been a productive week in P4b. It was lovely to have the opportunity to talk to parents about all the wonderful things we have been getting up to so far.

This week in Maths, the circles have finished their topic on direction and have moved onto time with calendars. The squares have finished division and are moving onto fractions and the triangles have finished data handling and are moving onto symmetry.

In literacy, we have been exploring setting descriptions; gaining an understanding of how to create a certain atmosphere in your writing through use of sensory words and the 5 W’s. (Where, When, What, Who, Why).

We have also been exploring the difference between a simile and a metaphor, and writing our own similes to describe the features of an owl.

In Art we made our own owl pictures to complement the spooky similes that we have written. The children also created some fantastic 3D haunted houses with Mrs Houston.


In Health and Well-being, we are still looking at friendships and empathy. Today we were gaining a better understanding of feeling intensity, constructing a sliding scale and exploring scenarios in which we may experience some of these feelings.

In topic, we have been exploring the different levels of the ocean and the difference we see in environment and wildlife as we move further down into the depths. We used iPads to  research animals within the ‘sunlight zone’ in more detail this week and have now embarked into the ‘twilight zone’.

We have music every second week over ‘google meet’. Last week, we were learning about writing beats. We learned a new beat which is ‘ti-ri-te’, which we can now clap along to and recognise by sight and sound.


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