As we are learning all about volcanoes during our Natural Disasters topic, we thought we would create our very own lava lamps to mimic how lava bubbles before it erupts.
Making our lamps used our maths skills as we had to measure out the correct quantities, and we looked at the separation between the water and the oil during the experiment. When we added the effervescent tablet, it was amazing watching the bubbles create and then slowly move up and down. We worked out that the more of the table you added, the bigger and faster the bubbles became!
What a great science activity! Looks like brilliant hands on fun although L will have been sad to have missed it when he was off. Really love these blogs. Thanks so much for taking the time to do them.
We will be doing them tomorrow at the Learning Workshop if you can make it along and Luke will get his chance to finally make one!
Lucas loved making these! Have to admit the thought of a ‘crisp and dry’ volcano has made me giggle 🙂
I hadn’t even noticed that 🙂 Really glad he enjoyed making them, they all seemed to enjoy it and I think they are excited about the next experiment!