Play Partners

P1b have been working hard on our play skills this week. Every day after lunch we have been working with a new ‘play partner’ to develop our skills of negotiation, teamwork and discussion. We have loved being able to explore new areas of the classroom and work with different people.

Fun in the Sun!

P1b have loved playing outside in the gorgeous sunshine this week!

We set up a shop selling ice cream…

We tested our resilience and risk-taking jumping from barrel to barrel…

We ran a takeaway cafe… (the strawberry cake was delicious)

We paddled in the sea on a beach holiday…

We made up exciting potions…

And we made our very own see-saw!

We can’t wait to spend lots more time outside in the coming weeks!

Katie Morag

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Katie Morag over the last couple of weeks! We began by listening to lots of the stories by Mairi Hedderwick and discussing the differences between island life and life in Glasgow. Our post office role play, inspired by ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’ was a big hit – many thanks for the donations of envelopes and stamps. Miss Roberts helped us to create an amazing display of the Isle of Struay and we have done some fabulous writing describing Katie Morag. We are still working on writing letters to her. We’ll need to wait and see if we get a reply…

Katie Morag Post Office

This week we were very excited to start our new Katie Morag topic. First we read “Katie Morag delivers the Mail” and then we decided to create a post office in the classroom!

We have loved painting our very own post box today and we can’t wait to finish the set up and get using the post office next week.