
P1 have been learning about electricity this week. We learned that it is a continuous flow of energy and we used a special ball to demonstrate what happens when the flow is broken.

We had fun playing games that show the flow of energy in a circuit and we sorted items according to whether or not they use electricity.

Next week we are going to learn about staying safe using electricity.

Health and Wellbeing Week

Today we have been learning about feelings. To begin with, we acted out various emotions and then we created paper plate faces with happy and sad expressions. Miss Paisey and Miss Wight presented us with some scenarios, for example, ‘I worked really hard in Numeracy’ or ‘I have no one to play with at lunch’ and we had to show whether this made us feel happy or sad.

Can you guess our feelings here?


We have beenĀ  working very hard in Numeracy this week.

Some of us have been learning to subtract. We had lots of fun playing subtraction smash and working out our calculations.

We have also been sequencing numbers to 10 using the Numicon and discussing the concept of bigger/biggest and smaller/smallest.



Loose parts play

We have really enjoyed exploring the loose parts and natural materials in the tuff tray this week. We developed our skills of categorising, sorting, counting and we used lots of great vocabulary to describe the shells and stones. We especially loved listening to the ocean in the sea shells!