Primary 1 have been working on the skill of printing in art this term. We used apples to print Halloween pumpkins and then we drew on faces with felt pens. The end results looked fabulously spooky!
We have also been printing with foil and sponges over the last couple of weeks to create a beautiful Autumn display – keep your eyes peeled for photos coming soon!
P1b have been loving using the cubes for measuring this week in their independent play. There was some great discussion going on and all the learning was led by the children. Fantastic work!
We had lots of fun creating some pop art as part of our Toys topic. We learnt all about the artist Andy Warhol and we liked how bright and colourful his paintings were. We chose to paint a train inspired by one of his famous pieces. We created wax resist pictures by using crayons to go over the train lines and then we washed over the boxes using watercolour paints. The results look so eye catching on the wall – scroll to the end to have a look!
To warm up our hands for writing and to develop our finger strength we have been taking part in Dough Disco on Friday mornings. We roll, stretch, pinch, pull and manipulate the dough in time to some catchy music (Happy by Pharrell Williams is our favourite)! This is a really important way of developing our finger muscles to that we are ready to sit and write.
Dough disco was created by Shonette Bason – this video below shows some of the moves!
We have been loving our Pizza Restaurant role play this week! We have been taking orders, designing our own pizzas and even starting to think about the fractions contained within a pizza – Aafeen told us that there were four quarters in her pizza, well done Aafeen!
Last week P1 were very excited to take part in Maths week. We began investigating symmetry and used lots of practical resources to create symmetrical pictures. Drawing in the other half of the picture was tricky but we tried our best and didn’t give up! Creating patterns with the peg boards was great fun – we even asked Miss Paisey if we could do it again tomorrow! Numicon once again proves to be the most versatile maths tool and we loved using this to create symmetrical patterns.
At the end of the week we discovered that Miss Morgan had planned an exciting surprise activity – water balloon splat! Numbers 0-20 were chalked on the ground and Miss Paisey asked us questions, such as what is 5 add 3 or what number comes between 15 and 17? We used the water balloon to ‘splat’ the correct answer. It was lots of fun and a little bit wet!
We have been very busy this morning trying to learn all of our sight words from our reading books. We played sight word toss with Miss Neilson, sight word flip with Miss Paisey and we had a go at making sight words with the magnetic letters independently! We worked very hard and we are making super progress.
Just another – East Renfrewshire site