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P1 have been very busy this morning, learning how to programme beebots! Tomorrow we will have a go at creating our own maps and obstacle courses to challenge our programming skills further.


Talking and listening

Today, the Red reading group worked hard on their talking and listening skills.

We read a non-fiction book, called ‘Make a Monster’ and then drew our own scary monsters. Then we had to describe our monsters to a partner, who did their best to draw it. We realised that simple drawings are easier to describe and that we had to use really specific language, such as ‘a big triangle’ or ‘four spikes’.

Miss Paisey and Miss Wight were very proud of our efforts! 

P1 Trip: Scotland Street School

On Wednesday 23rd October, P1 concluded our exciting Toys topic with a trip to Scotland Street School.

We were welcomed by our amazing guide Oliver, who explained that in the olden days girls and boys had to line up separately.

He told us all about the rules of the school, which were very strict. Miss Paisey nearly got the belt for talking! We wanted her to have 9 lashes, but in the end Oliver was kind and didn’t give her any.

We then went upstairs to an old fashioned classroom to learn about old toys and games.

We learnt about hula-hooping and Momina showed off her fabulous skipping skills!

Then we sorted a selection of toys, old and new, into various categories.  We were very good at this.

Finally, we had a go at making our very own peg dolls to take home.

It was a fantastic morning and we learnt so much about school and toys in the past. We would like to say a huge thank you to Oliver and all the parent helpers who came with us and helped make the trip a success.


We love reading!

Following our visit to Busby library on Tuesday, P1 have been reading their library books at every opportunity! There have been some brilliant discussions as they shared their books. Great to see such a love of reading. We are looking forward to our next visit after the October holidays!