Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sorting coins

Today we are investigating money. We are looking at how much money is in a piggybank and sorting coins.


Aleeya – “the 5p coins are the same as the 50p coins but smaller.”

Jessica – “when you go to the shop you need to count your change. Most coins have the queen on the back of them.”

Sophie – “you need to count up the coins to see how much you have when you got to the shops. I have 40p.”


A busy morning at the writing table! We were inspired after our author visit yesterday and wrote about our favourite characters. πŸ“

Maths – 2D shape

P2.5 have been revising 2D shapes. We created our own 2D dinosaurs. We talked about the different shapes and how many sides they have. Take a look at our fantastic dinosaurs! πŸ¦–Β πŸ¦–πŸ¦•
