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Maths Week – Scavenger Hunt

This morning, Summar, Bilal, Katie, Lexi, Aqsa, Haswin, Isaac, Alex and Mishal all went on a scavenger hunt round the school. They had to find questions that Mahad, Alisha and Maya (P6 pupils) had made and hidden throughout the school and answer them. They thoroughly enjoyed it!

Homework – week beg. 10.09.18

I have issued most of the homework today. The tasks are:

  •  Maths Week whole school task set by the Avenue – this is optional
  • Spelling tasks (see sheet in jotter)
  • Reading books – reading aloud (please make sure that reading books are in homework folders every day as we use these in class and especially on a Friday so they can be swapped with the other P2 classes)
  • Maths – booklet/sheet to be issued on Monday
  • Phonics – please listen to your child say the words with the sound for this week (no written task)
  • Please also encourage your child to talk to you about their Maths learning to celebrate Maths Week!

On Thursday it is Roald Dahl Day. Your child can dress up as their favourite book character.


Have a great weekend!

Classroom reminders

Hello everyone!

I hope you have been enjoying our class blog. I thought I would post a few useful reminders that I mentioned at the Meet the Teacher night.

– pe days are on a Monday and Tuesday

– Mearns Masters is on a Thursday. Your child may be asked to bring in something particular for their class, eg tupperware for cooking

– please keep everything inside your child’s homework folder, ie letters, diary, money for events, homework, etc.

– an elastic band should be used as a book mark so it is easy to see any notes

– diaries are a good way for us to communicate

– if you have any toys that you are throwing out, please donate them to us!

– old jotters from p1 are to be kept at home, it means you can look back on their lovely work!


It was lovely to meet you all.

Please feel free to comment on our blog (or maybe your child would like to comment on it at home to share something they learned or enjoyed!)

(At the moment I cannot take photos of the children with their faces visible. Once all consent forms have been collated by the office I will then post pictures of the children. That is why you are not seeing your child fully in the photos.)

With kind regards,

Miss Davidson


Last week, Max was really interested about how calculators work. He noticed that one did not have any batteries yet still worked. We investigated this as a class today and looked into solar energy. Tomorow we will be discussing different sources – the sun, batteries and plugs. Can you find any at home?

Here is some of our work from today…