
Megan, Carlo, Harvey, Ayaan, Fahd, Ghufran and Melissa were predicting the weight of different objects against cubes yesterday. We guessed first then checked. Ayaan weighed his shoe and it was the same as 97 cubes!

Fish ๐ŸŸ

We read the Rainbow Fish book and we have been learning about parts of a fish, talking about what we can see in our fish tank and making beautiful textured fish. ๐Ÿ ย 

Maths Week – Scavenger Hunt

This morning, Summar, Bilal, Katie, Lexi, Aqsa, Haswin, Isaac, Alex and Mishal all went on a scavenger hunt round the school. They had to find questions that Mahad, Alisha and Maya (P6 pupils) had made and hidden throughout the school and answer them. They thoroughly enjoyed it!