Pizza Anyone?

To support our work in symmetry and fractions the children asked to open a pizza parlour! We are looking forward to creating new and exciting pizza toppings, making symmetrical patterns and slicing our pizzas into different fractions.

As part of our role play we are also exploring the world of work with roles including: chef, driver, waiting staff and cashier.

Time and Money

Today we have been exploring o’clock times on both analogue and digital clocks. To reinforce our knowledge we played lots of different time games.

We have also been learning about the different coins and we really enjoyed sorting a big pile of money!


The wind made it tricky to do maths outside today so instead we went on a journey to the treehouse. There we worked on:


The number before

Sequencing numbers

Hopefully we can take our learning outdoors later as we love learning in nature.

Learning to Add

We have been learning how to add in class this week! First we started by revisiting our numbers, making them out of cubes on our ten frames, writing them on our white boards and creating subitising patterns.

Then we used different cube colours to show our calculations on our ten frames and wrote the calculations on our white boards.

Finally we began recording our calculations in our jotters!

We have been really enjoying addition and using a variety of tools to help us learn.



2D Shape and Counting

We are very excited about learning the properties of different 2D shape through the exploration of the Mr Men and Little Miss characters! Today we start with circles and Little Miss Helpful.

Each day we will also be exploring a new number, learning how to write it and counting out objects to represent that number as well as counting collections of objects.

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