
Monday mornings are full of energetic fun!

We are showing good control and coordination in large and small movements. We move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. We are learning to handle equipment and tools effectively.

World of Work

A special visitor came to visit us today, Captain Baxter an airline pilot.

He told us all about his exciting job. We learned about the roles of differnt people who work in the airline and the different types of planes which exist ✈

We also learned that there are many checks that must take place before a plane is ready to fly. First of all the weather, outside area and cabin have to be checked. Next the bags are loaded and fuel is filled. After that passengers have to be seated and the flightdeck has to be set up. Then the plane is ready for take off!

We found out how high and fast a plane can fly and how the pilot knows where to go. We checked live flights flying out of Glasgow and flying into Glasgow. We even went on a journey which took off and landed. It was so exciting!

A huge thank you to Captain Baxter for taking time out to visit us, we learned so much and had lots of fun exploring the props he brought.

Pizza Anyone?

To support our work in symmetry and fractions the children asked to open a pizza parlour! We are looking forward to creating new and exciting pizza toppings, making symmetrical patterns and slicing our pizzas into different fractions.

As part of our role play we are also exploring the world of work with roles including: chef, driver, waiting staff and cashier.


We are learning to play the two-tone woodblock.

Today we had three teams in our game; the postmen, the home owners waiting to receive their letters and the musicians.

We sang, walked and played our instruments to the beat of:

Postman’s knocking rat tat tat, postman’s knocking rat tat tat, he’s at the door.

We rotated roles so we had the opportunity to experience all three.

National Storytelling Week 2019

We presented our first class assembly to celebrate National Storytelling Week 2019, a celebration that’s very important to us. Thank you to all family and friends who came along to support the children.

Our love for storytelling is growing as we progress through Primary 1. Through storytelling we are learning more about life, the world and ourselves. Not only do we enjoy listening to stories, we are learning to become storytellers too.

The Burns Challenge

Today was the final round of ‘The Burns Challenge’.

Well done to Poplar who performed ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ in Scots.

The judges were very impressed with the talent in Mearns Primary and left us with a statement that we must not forget, ‘We are all winners in our own right, as long as we try our very best.’

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