The Library

On alternate weeks half of our class visit the library and today was the first day that the children could choose a book to take home with them.

We had lots of fun exploring all the different books in our library and selecting our favourite to take home and share with family.

The other half of the class will be choosing their books next week. Books should be kept for two weeks and brought back in on a Friday. Happy reading!

Welcoming a Baby

Today Adrienne from our local Baptist church came to talk to us about welcoming a baby. We all thought about the different things that babies need to grow and thrive. Then we heard about the way babies are welcomed by the Church.


In ICT today we logged on with confidence before opening up ActivInspire.

Then we created and explored various 2D shapes.

Group by group we also got to explore the VR headsets.

So many exciting places we can explore!

Autumn Storytelling

This morning we went on a nature walk around the school to look for signs of Autumn. We gathered Autumnal treasures in our paper bags.

Once we returned to our classroom we worked together in groups Using our treasures collected on our walk as props for storytelling.

We had wizards wands, dragon scales and poisoned berries.

In the picture above you can see a map of the swamp that featured in one story!

Some of our leaves were also changed into different characters.

Here are some of the children’s  thoughts about our learning this morning.

This was an exciting day. We found a forest full of wonderous nature. Aaron

I thought our walk was wonderful and magical. Lucy

It was very fun. Ayana

Trapped Bears!!!

This afternoon we found our compare bears trapped in ice!

We decided to use our science skills to free them. In science we have been learning about the different states of water and the ways water changes from one to another.

In groups we experimented to find out what would melt the ice. We tried running it under water, putting it on the heater, placing it in sunlight, blowing on it and rubbing it


We also had a control for our experiment.

The results of our experiments showed that heat is needed to change water from a solid to a liquid and that hot water was the most effective way of melting ice in our classroom.

Our bears are free and we all love being scientists in 1.1!

The Post Office

During our planning sessions the children asked for a post office in the classroom.We worked together to create a mind map of all the things we would like to see in our Post Office.

Our Post Office is now open and ready for business!


October Holiday

Miss Khan and I hope that you all have a well deserved rest over the October week. We have sent the PE bags home to give you the chance to check that everything still fits. Looking forward to seeing you all after the holiday.

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