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Library Visit

This week we were very lucky to be invited to Newton Mearns Library to receive our bookbug bags. The children were very excited to go on a little trip and were super sensible walking to the library. We settled in and got comfortable and listened  to all of the exciting stories that were in our bags. As you can see from our pictures we had an excellent time!



Halloween fun!

We had a wonderful day last week for our PTA dress down day. Some people chose to dress up in spooky costumes which was also fantastic to see. We really got into the spirit of things in our class as you can see from these pictures, we even had a few witches potions and slimey soup with lots of disgusting ingredients. The children really enjoyed the day and lots of money was raised, so thank you very much for your kind donations.


We’re back! Lets catch up on what we have been getting up to…

Sorry for the long absence, but I have finally managed to sort out my technical issues and I can now share with you what we have been up to!

So, firstly we have been really enjoying using the gym hall for PE. We have been really excited to also have 1.3 join us which has been lots of fun!

We have also been really enjoying our show and tell Friday’s. It has been great listening to the children speak confidently and clearly about what they have brought in.


We have been making the most of the dry days and went for a lovely walk around the school grounds to collect some twigs and leaves for our loose parts area.


And finally, we have been working as detectives and have been writing and decoding secret messages with our uv pens…

We hope you enjoyed seeing what we have been working on.


Mearns Masters block1

We came to the end of our first Mearns Masters block where our focus was ‘The Campaigners’. This culminated in a picnic where we brought along snacks that we had purchased locally and prepared ourselves. The children learned about sustainability and the choices we make with things such as our food and how we travel. We also learned about first aid and emergency services, as you can see both Teddy and Imogen were well looked after by our class. We trialled a waste free snack week which was great to see so many taking part. This will lead nicely to the COP26 event taking place in Glasgow which we are also focusing on.



We were also very lucky to be invited along to the Mearns Masters showcase for P1.4. They were the coders for this block and the class really enjoyed playing along with the challenges set by 1.4. Thank you for inviting us!



Mearns Masters

For Mearns Masters this week, we looked at sustainable food and locally sourced fruit and vegetables. We really enjoyed trying some of the produce. We also discussed what makes a healthy snack and designed what we would bring along on a picnic.

Look what we have been up to…

This week for our phonics we have been looking at i,p and n. The class have really enjoyed using different methods to practise our formation. For numeracy, we have also been enjoying playing with the dominoes, look at how long we made our connecting line! We also played domino car park which has been fantastic for number recognition and subitising.


Homework Folders

Good morning everyone and happy Saturday!
Just a little reminder if you could make sure everyone brings in their homework folder this Monday (if you’ve been given it) so I can renew the homework and also give you google classroom log ins.
Have a wonderful weekend 😊

Mrs McDonagh

Class information

Good afternoon everyone,

On Monday 30th you will be issued your child’s Google classroom/Glow user name and password.

All correspondence and homework information for each week will be posted on Google Classroom on a Monday .

We suggest that all parents download the Google Classroom app as this is the easiest way  to receive notifications and upload pupil homework .

A help sheet will be provided on Monday in your child’s homework folder alongside the username and password information.

Please hand in Homework folders tomorrow or by Monday morning .

If possible could someone share this message on your class WhatsApp chat to ensure everyone receives this information.

Please bear with us until all are logged into Google Classroom when that will then become the main form of class communication.

Many thanks, 

Mrs McDonagh


Good evening!

Just to let you all know that our PE day is Thursday. Please pack appropriate clothing/footwear as we will be doing this outside for the foreseeable.

Many Thanks

Mrs McDonagh