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Euro Quiz

On Wednesday the 8th March, a team of five pupils from Primary 6 participated in the East Renfrewshire Euro Quiz Heats. At the Euro Quiz there were 4 rounds. The first round was Geography, the second round was languages; there was a choice of Spanish, German, Italian and French questions.  We answered the French language questions. Round three was all about understanding Europe; this included questions about the European Parliament. The final round was a general knowledge round about sports, history, music, food and culture. We have been preparing for the Euro Quiz for a whole month so we were very proud to have come third place with an outstanding 44 out of 60. Well done to all the other schools who participated!

Written by Daniel and Zak


Gary Jacobs

One Wednesday the 8th of February World Famous Boxer Gary Jacobs came in to talk about his boxing career. Gary Jacobs (The Kid) went against Parnell Whitaker (sweet pea) to be the world’s best boxer. He taught primary 3, 4 and 6 some awesome boxing moves. Six people (two from each class) came on the stage and put some punching gloves on and learnt some moves and punches. Gary Jacobs won the British, Scottish and European boxing title. He has had 48 wins and 5 losses. We got to play some games and have a question and answer session with Gary Jacobs. We asked questions relating to religion, boxing and some personal questions. We all had a great time and learnt lots!

Written by Daniel and Ellie: )

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Burns Supper

On Wednesday the 25th of January P6 and P7 and their parents were joined for Burns Supper in the school hall. It was presented by Oliver (P7) & Flora (P6). We were brought in by a man playing bag pipes and we got to sit next to our parents. Oliver and Flora told us some very interesting facts about Robert Burns across the whole supper. First P7 danced the Dashing white Sargent, then P6 danced Strip the Willow, then both classes danced the Gay Gordons. After that we had a taster of haggis, neaps and tatties along with some Irn Bru whilst we were quizzed on how much we had remembered. It was an eventful afternoon and we are glad that all of our hard work paid off in the end! Check our our art work and a picture of us showing off our tartan in the pictures below!



Written by Jamie and Harrison


Mannequin Challenge by Primary 6

This week our class decided to attempt the mannequin challenge. For those of you who don’t know the mannequin challenge is a viral internet video trend where people remain frozen in action like mannequins while a video is recorded, usually with the song “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd playing in the background.

This means that whenever Miss Aslam shouts “mannequin challenge” we all have to stop what we’re doing and freeze as though we are mannequins! We recorded a video which you can watch below by clicking on the links. (We had to upload the video as 3 separate videos). We hope you enjoy watching our mannequin challenge!

By Zak




Chinese Tea Ceremony

As part of our topic on China we had a Chinese Tea Ceremony this week. We learned that tea is one  of China’s biggest exports and that there are 5 main types of tea; White, Black, Green, Oolong and Fermented teas.

During a tea ceremony the guests thank the server for the tea by tapping on the table three times with one finger. It is also polite to drink the tea in three sips.  We had a tea party with black tea.  We decorated our own cups with Chinese designs to make it more authentic.  Most of the class enjoyed drinking the tea.

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Rugby Festival

On Wednesday 11th May, we went to a Rugby Festival at Whitecraigs Rugby club.  Two other schools were there with us.  We did activities to do with rugby and there were lots of nice coaches.  We did an obstacle course and played lots of games to develop our rugby skills.  We were having great fun but sadly it was soon time to leave.


by Fatimah and Sophia

Health Week

From the 8th to the 13th of May Calderwood Lodge was taking part in Health week.

Health Week meant that each day of the week there was a different sport activity.


On Monday P4, 5, 6,7 had to run around the back pitch for 20 minutes! Most people were walking in 5 minutes! So you can probably see it was…HARD!!


On Tuesday we took part in some KARATE!! HAYA! It was very fun (and a bit painful).


On Wednesday we went to a Rugby festival but that is in another blog.

THURSDAY:  We had Yom Ha’atzmaut and we did a lot of activities it was really fun. The P6 organised lots of games and crafts for us to do. They did a great job.

FRIDAY: On Friday we got to play some cricket. We played a really fun game called ‘Fast Cricket’.  The man who took the session told us about a club we can try if we think we would like to go.

We also had a visit from Mr Vulkan to talk about his Marathon running experiences. It was really interesting to hear him speak and many of us were inspired to take part in races one day when we are older. We got to see his medal from the New York Marathon.


by Jamie and Zaynah



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In p5 we have finished making our bird houses for technology.  It was hard work and we had to do a lot of measuring and sawing but we are really pleased with what we have made.  We must remember to varnish them when we get home so that they don’t get ruined by the rain.

This week we started our sewing masterclass with Miss Orchant. We used a sharp needle to practice a running stitch and we are excited to create our sewing project.

by Faizan and Harrison



Last week we all celebrated the Jewish festival of Purim.  We all dressed up as characters that are either good or bad! We celebrate Purim because a long time ago,  a man called Hamman wanted to kill all the Jews but he did not succeed! Every time we hear his name we boo and hiss. We enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities such as, mask making, dancing, puzzles and making our Mishloach manot bags to give treats to one another.

By Flora