Category Archives: Physical Education

Fidget Spinners

On Thursday the 11th of May, the latest craze – Fidget Spinners – was incorporated into our P.E lesson. This fitted in perfectly as we had been doing gymnastics. We used our Fidget Spinners to do different balances and to create our own routine. Some of the routines included balances, benches and different types of rolls. It was so much fun to use them in P.E.

Written by TJ


Primary 6 love to dance

Primary 6 have been so busy that we have forgotten to update our blog with all the fun things we have been doing!

On Wednesday the 10th of May we took part in a Bollywood dancing lesson. We began by doing a warm-up which involved copying some basic Bollywood dance moves along with some music in the background.  We then worked in groups to learn a dance routine to a popular Bollywood song and presented this to the class . To end the lesson we had a ‘dance battle’. It was boys vs. girls and was great fun! We have some great dancers in our class!

Written by Flora


Football Competition

On Thursday the 16th of March a team of primary 6 and primary 7 pupils participated in the cluster football competition. There were 4 schools including us however, some schools had more than one team.

We won 3, drew 1 and lost 2 and resulted in coming joint first. There were 3 pitches altogether. Sadly we lost the first game but won the next. Everyone enjoyed the competition. We would like to thank Mr Fry for helping us prepare for the competition.

Written by Zak and Zidane

Badminton taster session

On Thursday the 16th  of February, P3-7 went to Maccabi for a badminton taster session. We travelled by bus. Our coaches (Ian and Ewan) split us into two groups.  The more experienced badminton players played a game called “Jailbreak”. It’s a game where the coach hits the shuttlecock over the net and the person on the other side tries to hit it back. The other group were practising their badminton skills. The session lasted an hour, before we knew it, it was time to get back on the bus to go back to school. It was very fun and we all enjoyed it. We all want to go again.

Written by TJ and Jamie

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Squash Taster Session

On Tuesday the 31st of January Primary 6 6 began their first squash taster session which was led by an instructor called Stuart. We watched him demonstrate first and then we had a go ourselves. He taught us how to hit the ball using forehand and backhand movements. We also played a game in teams where we had to see how many hits we could do as a team. It was a fun session and we are looking forward to 3 more sessions! 

Written by Louis and Faizan

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Scottish Dancing

Since we have come back to school after the winter holidays we have been practising Scottish dancing for the P6 and P7 Burns Supper. The first dance we practised was ‘Strip the Willow’, this is a fast song that makes you lose your breath but it is really fun twirling round and round with our partner.

We are also doing a dance with the Primary 7 class called ‘Gay Gordon’s.’ As a class we prefer the Strip the Willow dance but we will let the parents decide which they prefer on Wednesday the 25th, Burns Supper day. We hope to see you there!

Written by Zipporah and Ksenia

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Judo fun!

Hi there,

In primary six we have been taking part in Judo sessions. Primary 7 also do judo at the same time as us.

We have to change in to our PE kits and take our socks and shoes off too! We all stand on a huge big mat with our partners and copy the judo instructor. We have been learning cool flips, tricks and kicks, it has been really fun. At the end of the lesson we play a game called Lan Ci. We have to copy the instructions and if we get it wrong we are out. The judo instructor makes the game tricky but funny too.

By Zidane and Sophia

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Just Dance

For PE on Wednesday we were supposed to be doing hockey outdoors but because of the awful weather we had to stay indoors and instead we did JUST DANCE. Just Dance is an online video exercise where you copy the dance moves to different songs. We loved the Bollywood dancing the most. We also had group dance competitions (it was really tiring). We had so much more fun than we had thought.

By Daniel and Faizan

