Category Archives: Kodesh and Ivrit

Primary 6 Kabbalat Shabbat

On the Friday 28th of April, Primary 6 organised Kabbalat Shabbat. The theme of our Kabbalat Shabbat was  grape juice (Kiddush), this is what we  drink on Shabbat.

We began by singing some Shabbat songs. Then Aba (Daniel) and Ima (Flora) blessed the children (Ava and Esther).  After that we sang some more songs which was followed by a Q&A about the grape juice.

A funny moment was when Louis accidentally spilt his juice, it was hilarious. After that Aba  said Kiddush and Challah and we all got to eat and drink. To end Kabbalat Shabbat we sang our favourite song, Bim Bom. It was a great Kabbalat Shabbat and we all enjoyed it as much as everyone else did. Thank you to all of our parents who came along to watch!


Image result for kiddush clipart

Written by Daniel




Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebrations

Yom Ha’atzmaut is a modern holiday celebrating Israel’s independence in 1948.

On Tuesday the 2nd of May Primary 6 led the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations in the school. We were very happy to be given such a big responsibility.

Before the day arrived we worked as a class to discuss who was going to lead each station and what each station would involve. We decided on 7 stations. These were sports, arts and crafts, biscuit decorating, a quiz, Israeli dancing, party games and an outdoor treasure hunt. It was a very busy morning but it was a great success and everyone enjoyed themselves. We look forward to having similar responsibilities next year in Primary 7!

Image result for israel independence day 2017

Written by Zak and Harrison


Yom Kippur Play

Hi there!

Our blog this week is about our Yom Kippur play. Yom Kippur is a day of forgiveness. On this day we go to the pond and say Tashlich. We also spend most of the time in the local Shul. It is important that on this day people do not wear leather shoes, makeup or perfume.

In two weeks we will be presenting our play to the school and our parents. We need lots of practise to remember our words. Hopefully by then we will have mastered it!

By Zaynah and Jenna

(Thursday 22nd September 2016)