Tree Of Knowledge Workshop

On Wednesday the 6th December, Stewart from The Tree of Knowledge visited Primary 7 and gave us a fantastic workshop.

This workshop was about creating a business and how to make your business successful.

First, Stewart introduced himself by telling us a funny story about him and explained that he was a motivational speaker. Then he split us into groups and gave us a challenging logo and slogan quiz.

Once we finished the quiz, we thought of our business names as well as an advert. We created a poster showing information about our business. The adverts were really funny, persuasive and really enjoyable.

When the adverts were finished, it was time for the best part of the workshop. Making money!

Stewart provided each group with a prototype which looked like a toy boat. The boat was made out of different parts called products. We had to buy products from the Warehouse and then build each one and sell them for £10. Each product had to look the exact same, if it wasn’ we would have to fix it and bring it back to him.

At the end of the first round, we had to collect our money and get ready for round 2. After each round it got trickier and trickier.  At times, Stewart changed the product from a Red circle to a Green circle or to a Yellow circle. On the last round if we gave Stewart a product that didn’t look like our prototype then he would break it up, give it to the Warehouse and we would lose our money.

At the end of the day, Stewart told us the scores and Team 3 (SuperStore) won it by making the most profit.


Ava said, “I love the idea of making the products, it was really fun!”

Faizan said, “I loved building the products.”

Jenna said, “I loved doing all the activities and it was very competitive.”

Daniel said, “It was really enjoyable. I loved it from start to end.”

Louis said, “I Loved making my own business called Super Cookie Time.”