Our New School!

We have enjoyed our first week at our brand new shiny school. So far,  we have loved working in  our new school because it is so big and there are lots of new learning areas.

We had a tour of our school and saw rooms that we didn’t have in our old school like: changing rooms, art room, sensory room and science room. They were all great to look at and we can’t wait to use them.

There is a massive gym hall and with great cupboards to put our new equipment in. There are also stairs which come out of the wall. We get changed in the changing rooms.

Primary 7 is an exciting year because we get lots of responsibilities and duties such as House Captain, Buddying and monitoring etc.  We are very lucky because in the lunch hall Primary 7 have reserved tables.

We hope to have a great year and we are excited for the challenges that we will face in Primary 7.

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