Primary 6 comes to an end :(

Primary 6 has been an absolutely fantastic year for all of us!

Here are some memories and best moments from throughout the year:

Jamie: Winning the East Renfrewshire Sumdog competition

TJ: My first day at school

Esther: Visiting the Scottish Parliament

Zidane: Visiting Castle Semple

Ben: When I showed my Rainforest poem to the head teacher

Ellie: Being a member of the Daily 6 newspaper group

Harrison: Kayaking at Castle Semple

Jenna: Finding out who my Primary 6 teacher was (best teacher ever)

Daniel: Coming third place in the Euro Quiz

Ava: Visiting Scotland Street Museum

Zipporah: Our Europe topic

Faizan: Kayaking at Castle Semple

Sophia: Class debates

Ksenia: Having Miss Aslam as a teacher

Flora: Finding out who my Primary 6 teacher was

We hope everyone has an amazing summer!


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