Burns Supper

On Wednesday the 25th of January P6 and P7 and their parents were joined for Burns Supper in the school hall. It was presented by Oliver (P7) & Flora (P6). We were brought in by a man playing bag pipes and we got to sit next to our parents. Oliver and Flora told us some very interesting facts about Robert Burns across the whole supper. First P7 danced the Dashing white Sargent, then P6 danced Strip the Willow, then both classes danced the Gay Gordons. After that we had a taster of haggis, neaps and tatties along with some Irn Bru whilst we were quizzed on how much we had remembered. It was an eventful afternoon and we are glad that all of our hard work paid off in the end! Check our our art work and a picture of us showing off our tartan in the pictures below!



Written by Jamie and Harrison


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