
On Friday afternoons Primary 5 do masterclasses. Right now we are doing woodwork.  We are making bird boxes.  Last week we made our designs for our bird boxes. Some people designed pillar boxes and some people designed boxes shaped liked houses. Today we were sawing the wood and measuring it. Jenna had to only do 3 15cm  bits of wood because her design was a piller box and everyone else needed seven pieces. Most people still need to cut 4 more pieces. These are the steps of cutting the wood. First you need to  measure the wood (we needed to cut them into 15cm blocks.) Next you need to sand down the wood so that you don’t get any splinters. Then you need to saw the wood. We had to work with a partner and the wood was stuck in a vice so that it didn’t move around.  We are looking forward to finishing our boxes next week!DSC00041

Louis and Zidane sanding down the wood, using gloves to avoid splinters!


Ksenia sawing out one of her sections of wood.


Faizan and Daniel carefully measuring out each section of wood.

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