Tag Archives: Rosh Hashanah Assembly

Rosh Hashanah Assembly

P7 had been working very hard to prepare a great Rosh Hashanah Assembly for the rest of the school. Each class participated in the assembly.
P1- sang a song about apples.
P2- recited a poem about honey.
P3- presented their beautiful pomegranate art work.
P4 – made challah but it was just too yummy not to eat so instead they showed us the cloths that they designed especially for their challah.
P5 – performed a great, entertaining water dance called Ufshaftem Mayim.
P6 – sang the akeadia song which was about Avrahams big test at Mount Moria.
P7- all wrote their own parts about different aspects of Rosh Hashanah for the assembly.
Abi, Pippa, Leah, Talia, Aisha, Hannah and Ben performed a dancing extravaganza for the song Dip Your Apple by Fountainheads.
Abi inP7 also played her guitar and sang a new Rosh Hashanah song called Shana Tova, Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah Song for Children)
We think that we can speak for everyone when we say the assembly was a huge success.

By Pippa and Abi