Tag Archives: Chanukah

European Union and Chanukah class party. By Oliver Tomkins

This week we made leaflets for different countries that we were given in our EU topic, my country was Spain. We have been doing a lot of research on our countries and we used this information in our leaflets. We were also allowed to use colours and stick pictures in that we had got from the internet. We decided that one of our Success Criteria should be that we can talk about our country and explain our leaflet, so Miss Orchant picked lollypop sticks out of a cup and the person that got chosen explained and read their leaflet out to the class.

Another thing we did this week was have a party because it is Chanukah! The day of the party we got to dress in party clothes instead of school uniform and each class voted on the type of  party they wanted to have. We voted on a pyjama party and during the pyjama party we got to watch a movie and eat popcorn and crisps. When it was time to have the party not all of us had popcorn but luckily Pippa’s mum brought in great big bags of it so we could all have some. The next thing we did was have a vote on what movie we were going to watch and we ended up watching Ice Age 2.



Chanukah Preparations. By Elyze Nadler

In art we have started making things for Chanukah. We have been drawing doughnuts, latkes, chanukiot, sevivons (dreidels) and other Chanukah related things. We have started to decorate our class in preparation for Chanukah and it has been ‘dreidel spinning fun’! In Kodesh and Ivrit we have started talking about the festival of Chanukah and with Mrs Rosenberg we are reading the story with a lot of detail now that we are primary 6. We also made mind maps showing the ‘things we know about Chanukah’ and we have done our own re-search. We have all had a very successful week and enjoyed this very much!

Happy Chanukah everyone!!
