Category Archives: Pupil Blog Entry

Oliver Twist Script. By Aisha Qayyum

My class and I have been making scripts from the book Oliver Twist. We were all put into groups. I was with Izzy Rachel and Daniel Sabba. In the book there s a boy called Oliver Twist and he has a very adventurous life. My group and I made our script about when Nancy tells Mr Brownlow and Mrs Maylie about Bill and Fagin’s plan to kidnap Oliver and carried it through to the deaths of both Nancy and Bill. Fagin and the Artful Dodger both go to prison. The end was pretty good because Oliver, Mr Brownlow and Mrs Maylie live happily ever after. Our play was a bit short but overall it was fun practicing it and performing for our class.

I really, highly recommend reading this book because it is really adventurous, thrilling and dramatic. Also I liked how the book had a lot of information in just a few pages with a lot of detail too. I was able to picture a lot of scenes in my head too

Visit To New School Site. By Pippa Ure

I was in the pupil council last year with Abi and we were involved in a consultation for the new school. So we were invited to the building site to take pictures for the new school.

We went on the school bus at about 1:30 with Mrs Carlton Lilah and Josh in Primary Seven and Zipporah in Primary Five. On the way to the building site we picked up the pupil council from Saint Cadocs and finally arrived at the building site. We parked the bus in Mearns Castle car park. We met the photographer that coincidently took pictures for Mrs Carlton’s wedding! He led us to a big pile of mud with stones and rocks around it. We got bright yellow jackets that builders wear and bright blue helmets and the photographer positioned us with the smallest person in the middle at the front she got a shovel and so did the people on the end.

We got our pictures taken, we smiled and we cheered and in some of the pictures the teachers were behind us. Overall I really enjoyed being part of the pupil council again and I hope that I’m in it next year!

Hammantaschen. By Rachel McGhie

On Monday Primary 6 made Purim cakes they are called Hammantaschen also known as Ausne Hamman this is the recipe:


2 eggs

2/3 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of canola oil

1 tsp of vanilla

2 ¼ cups of flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 to 5 tsp of water [if needed]


We made about 7 trays of them. Each of us got one. They tasted amazing and dancing with flavour my taste buds exploded.


A Perfect Purim. By Zainab Ahmed

This week it was Purim and it was a blast! Everyone was dressed so lovely and even the teachers! I dressed up as an evil scientist with potions and everything. When the time came for the Purim Parade the teachers went up too!

We then gave Mishloach Manot bags, my one was for Aisha and they weren’t just bags they were white ones so we could decorate them. I received one from Sergei and he did a great job! We put chocolate, juice and crisps in them!

Then we went to do a challenge and that was to find as many words as possible in the word “Queen Esther”. If you did not want to you could have sat and done some relaxing colouring.

We then went to the Purim Quiz and it was super fun, my team won! So we got to choose a prize mine was a pink pencil with white dots.

After that we created our own Purim paper masks. We then went on a Treasure Hunt and our team was so good at it we even got the bonus questions!

Then we had some more relaxing time. We just sat down and ate some yummy Auzne Hamman and drank some juice, after a while we had to do a Purim Play in less than a minute. And guess what!? Gabby said we were the only group who did it right. Finally, in our last station we had to dance.

It was an amazing Purim!

Purim! By Ilya Gladkikh

This Thursday it is Purim! Nobody can wait!

There will be so many fun things to do! Stations, competitions, activities and the part that I’m most excited about… Mishloach Manot (food gifts)!

There are a couple of tradition, like reading the Megilat Esther, the story of when Queen Esther saved the Jews lives. The other tradition is dressing up in fancy costumes. We dress up because we are supposed to look different. Also, Hashem is mentioned in the story but does not appear as he is in disguise, so we do the same.

There is always a competition to see who has the best costume. Fellow classmates go crazy with their costumes! Once I remember someone came as a rubix cube and his friend came as a sandwich.

As I’ve said before, my favourite thing about Purim is Michloach Manot. These are girft bags of food decorated and given to friends.

My Week. By Daniel Dotan

Over the course of the week we have done a lot of fun things. Probably the most fun thing we did was in science where we got a battery pack, battery, wires, a light bulb and a light bulb stand. Miss Orchant told us to see if we could make an electrical circuit to power the light bulb. If the wire was not touching the battery pack or light bulb stand it would stop the flow of electrons and the light bulb would turn off. One thing we learnt is some scientific symbols. Another thing we learnt is that electricity is the flow of electrons.

Also this week, one of our maths groups was learning how to calculate rate per second so in PE we made six different stations  and timed the rest of the class to find their rate per second, minute and hour. The four stations were star jumps (how many in 30 seconds), short sprints (how many in 30 seconds), commando crawl (how long it takes to go from the top of the hall to the bottom), skipping (how many in 30 seconds), bouncing a ball (how many in 30 seconds), step ups (how many in 30 seconds) and finally step ups (how many in 30 seconds).

In our writing we have started our Personal Study, which is technically a big book report. The book we are doing it on is Oliver Twist since our class have just finished it. This week we wrote the introduction. We had to include the author of the book, the genre, the theme of the book and an overall opinion of the book.

To me the book was great and very exciting. In the writing we had to have a plan which answered the four questions. The personal study is fun but looks like a lot of work!

I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Mothers Day. By Lana Tiefenbrun

Mother’s Day is on Sunday so in class we made some Mothers Day gifts.

First we made cards. To make them we cut out a yellow circle, a green rectangle and some pink petals. Next, we stuck them into a flower shape and in the middle we wrote ‘I love my mum because…’ then on the petals we wrote some reasons that we love our mum!

The other things that we made were some paper flowers. Everybody in the class got a sheet of paper with flowers on it and then we all coloured them in and stuck glitter and sequences. Next we folded them up and cut them out so that they looked like a real bunch of flowers.

In the end they all turned out really good and I hope all of our mums like them too!


The Victorians. By Ben Jackson

The Victorian Era is the period of time that Queen Victoria reigned. We have been learning about the Victorians but not just about Queen Victoria. We also learned about the types of homes, work life, inventions, education, transport, fashion and toys/games. It was a great topic for me and I learned lots of interesting facts.

This week we handed in our project about the Victorians and I hope my teacher Miss Orchant will enjoy mine.


EuroQuiz2016. By Elyze Nadler

On Wednesday 24th of February 2016 some students (Ilya, Daniel Dotan, Abi , Elyze and Hannah, who was a reserve took part in the Euroquiz2016. There were 4 rounds and they were ‘Geography’, ‘Languages’, European Union and ‘History and Sport’.

We zoomed through each round getting only about 5 or 6 wrong in each round. Our best round was probably the EU round as we only got 4 questions wrong out of 15.

At the end, the winning school was Mearns Primary with 51 out of 60. Our score was pretty good too, it was 32 out of 60 that was 6th place. It doesn’t matter that we didn’t win, it’s the taking part that counts and we had a great time 🙂

Ivrit Workshop. By Gideon Ross

Our Ivrit lesson on Wednesday was not a normal  on because lots of parents came to take part. Mr Robson began by giving a speech to the parents about our Ivrit curriculum.

There were 4 Ivrit stations. There was Aleph Champ reading, writing, games and speaking, we had to show the parents what to do. The workshop started at 2 o’clock and finished around 3 o’clock. Then the parents went to the staff room to have tea and coffee.