Visit To New School Site. By Pippa Ure

I was in the pupil council last year with Abi and we were involved in a consultation for the new school. So we were invited to the building site to take pictures for the new school.

We went on the school bus at about 1:30 with Mrs Carlton Lilah and Josh in Primary Seven and Zipporah in Primary Five. On the way to the building site we picked up the pupil council from Saint Cadocs and finally arrived at the building site. We parked the bus in Mearns Castle car park. We met the photographer that coincidently took pictures for Mrs Carlton’s wedding! He led us to a big pile of mud with stones and rocks around it. We got bright yellow jackets that builders wear and bright blue helmets and the photographer positioned us with the smallest person in the middle at the front she got a shovel and so did the people on the end.

We got our pictures taken, we smiled and we cheered and in some of the pictures the teachers were behind us. Overall I really enjoyed being part of the pupil council again and I hope that I’m in it next year!