Homefront Histories

Last week Dean came into our classroom, however, we had to call him Captain Manning! He brought a lot of exciting equipment and laid it on the desks for us to look at and wear.

We also had to dress up as evacuees. An evacuee was a child from WWII who was evacuated from the city to the countryside because the city was no longer safe for them.

On one of the tables there were tinned and rationed food that people ate during WWII. Anything could be rationed such as materials and food. The reason for rationing was because the ships that delivered food and materials over the sea were most likely to get bombed.

On another table there was German and British battling equipment such as bombs, bullets, rifles. There was also toiletries such as newspaper for toilet roll and grooming equipment.

On the third table there was a lot of information about jobs and there was some magazines, identity cards and laminated sheets with information.

On the last table there was gas masks, hard helmets and costumes that we could try on.

Near the end of the day parents were invited to come so we did a few activities. First we went out and tried to hose down an incendiary bomb but sadly it wasn’t real!  Next we went into the hall to make some noise with the air-raid siren. The air-raid siren was to inform people to quickly go to the air-raid shelter due to the bombing.  The air-raid siren was really loud imagine being in WWII!  Lastly we sang some songs called the ‘Ovaltineys’ and ‘Run Rabbit.’