Welcome to our class



After the holidays, Primary 5 welcomed to the class a brand new Pupil, Kshitij Verma. This has been a lovely time for our class, getting to know Calderwood Lodge’s most recent addition. We thought it would be nice if everyone else in the school and all of our Blog followers, got the chance to get to know Kshitij a little bit better as well. We took on the role of journalists and we asked Kshitij some questions we thought you might all be interested in hearing.

• Kshitij, what school were you at before you joined us at Calderwood Lodge?

Blackfriars Primary School, Govan.

• How old were you when you learned to speak English?

Kshitij learnt to speak English at the age of 4.

• What are your hobbies?

I like running and swimming.

• Where were you born?

I was born in Delhi, India.

• What is your favourite book?

Diary of a wimpy kid.

• What do you want to be when you grow up?

I would like to be in the Police Department, hopefully C.I.D.

• Do you have a favourite memory you would like to share with us?

Probably when I went to Blackpool, that was a great memory.

• Do you have a favourite subject in school?


Kshitij is a really kind boy and he is fitting in very well at Calderwood Lodge.

Welcome to Calderwood Lodge!

By Daniel and Talia.