Our Class Charter




Our Class Charter for Primary 7 is based on the solar system, as we have been learning about Space in our Science lessons. The background of our class charter is black with our planets on it in 3D. We made them using papier-mâché with Mrs Santi, Miss Ross and Miss Munro. We then stuck them on to the wall on hinges so that you can lift them up to see our information underneath it.. Each planet represents one of the SHANARRI indicators:

S-safe (Mercury)
H-healthy (Venus)
A-active (Earth)
N-nurtured (Mars)
A-achieving (Jupiter)
R-responsible (Saturn)
R-respecting (Uranus) and
I-included (Neptune)

As part of homework we had to go and write about how the words above are important inside our school. We also researched whether Plutp is considered a planet in our solar system. We also found out more information about the planets in the solar system. This was great fun to do and I’m sure that we all can’t wait to use the knowledge that we have learnt during this experience in our future.

By Iman Rasool