Tag Archives: Chanukah

Calderwood’s Chanukah Disco



Every year I’m extremely excited to attend the Chanukah Disco and this year was no exception.

Most of my class were able to come along. This was my last disco at Calderwood Lodge and I really didn’t want to miss out. I was there to celebrate with my friends, my class and the rest of the school.

At the disco we all danced and enjoyed the sweets from the stall. I played and laughed my friends all night. There was prizes to be won from the DJ and a few of the younger stages won them and looked extremely happy with themselves.

The Chanukah disco was very fun and our class loved it. It will be sad to think that we will never get to go again but I hope that the tradition is carried on, and that the next classes continue to go along and celebrate.

Lyla Gaizely-Gardiner

Chanukah Assembly

Madeleine and Hassan have been telling you all in earlier blogs about Chanukah. As part of our celebrations, we went to see the Primary 4 class performing a Chanukah Show.  The parents all came along to watch.


There was a short play that included songs and the story of Chanukah. The story talks about the Maccabis and how they went to war with the Greeks because the Greeks said no to Shabbat. They only had enough oil to light the candle on the Menorah for one night and miraculously, it lasted for 8 days.


The choir completed the show with the traditional Chanukah songs. There was a lovely electric atmosphere and all the children were excited for the celebrations. It is a special assembly every year.

Candle Lighting at Shul




On Tuesday, P5, P6, P7 went to Giffnock Shul. We went to Shul this week because we are celebrating Chanukah.  When we arrived, each of the boys had to wear Kippot to respect the Jewish Religion. We read the afternoon prayers with Rabbi Eli and afterwards we lighted the candles on the Menorah.

When we finished prayers, we had sugary doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts and orange juice and also the Rabbi gave us gifts which were dreidels, to help us to celebrate Chanukah.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found the Jewish traditions very interesting.

By Hassan Hashmi
