Sport Relief Fun Day

On Friday 13th March, the Sports Leaders worked with the International and Fairtrade committee to run a day of sport to raise money for Sport Relief, a charity which supports people in need all over the world.

Sport Relief 2020 - Wood Green Academy

We organised sport-related activities for every class to enjoy. There was beat the goalie (football), bean bag toss, shoot the hoop and beat the goalie (hockey).

We got extremely lucky with the weather – the sun shone bright all day – and everyone had a fantastic time!

If you think about how many children were active for 10 minutes each today, it means that Kirkhill Primary played sport continuously for at least 6,000 minutes!

A massive thank you to everyone who donated – we managed to raise more than £400 for the charity!

A big thank you also to our Primary 7 helpers who kept the whole event running smoothly. We are so proud!

Meeting 3

During this meeting we spent our time clearing out the school’s sports container.

We took EVERYTHING out of the container, organised all the equipment and put it back neatly so that everyone can access all the things they need for P.E. lessons and extra-curricular activities.

Unfortunately we forgot to take a before picture but here you can see what it looked like after…

We’re hoping it will stay looking like this for a while!

Sports Leaders 🙂