All posts by Miss Flynn


Today,  we finished our rainbow book display. We drew our books after researching about them. Some of us made large books and some made small books. We made it into one big rainbow display with our chosen books of different colours and genres. In the end everybody had a range of lovely book covers. 


Today we started making our interactive book wall!  We split into groups of different colours of the rainbow and found books of that colour. Then, we wrote the name of the book and the author on a  piece of paper.


Today the reader leaders were finishing of their world book day posters, some were already finished but others added information and some started decorating. After they completed their posters they worked great in small groups to produce activities related to world book day, some chose to make a board game whilst others chose different  activities, some researched books if they were doing a quiz and some applied their art skills if they were making a board game.


Today we started structuring the school news paper. They were all assigned with different tasks, some of them had jobs such as creating the front cover, some made puzzles to include in the news paper. They all had great ideas and worked great in small groups. They all used word, to start to create a funny but informative news paper to keep everyone in the school updated about the latest events taking place in Kirkhill. 

28th October 2022

Today we made posters about Dyslexia Awareness Week . Some people wrote a note to Mr Moffet to say thank you for offering to build us a lending library. The posters we made included some famous people that have Dyslexia , when Dyslexia Awareness Week starts and ends and some more information about Dyslexia.


Today we came up with two articles in groups for the newspaper we are going to create. We came up with names for each article and one group came up with the name for the Newspaper. We thought of the best was to publish it and outline what the newspaper is for and then we shared our ideas. The name of the newspaper is The Kirkhill News.


Today we got to know the people in our group by sharing our favourite things like movies, books and songs. We also look at last year’s targets, considering what we could add to and what we could change. We worked in groups to create new aims and targets for this year.

Our aims for this year look like this. We may want to change them later on:

Encourage reading for enjoyment across the school Create a school a newspaper/ magazine (Digital on Seesaw) Create opportunities to share books and pieces of writing across stages Making literacy more inclusive