Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone,

Hope you have a fantastic time off over the next two weeks, and in case, at some point, you’re missing having activities sent out to you – you can have a look at our P2 ‘Spring Break’ Activity Sheet below 🙂

P2 Weekly Timetable (Home Learning)

Hi everyone,

Here’s our Weekly Timetable for all children in Primary 2:

Each morning we’ll add a ‘Plan for Today’ onto both our Class Blogs and Seesaw, giving an overview of the activities the children will be expected to complete that day.

This plan will be the same for all children in P2a, P2b & P2c.

Any individual activities and resources will be assigned to the children in the ‘Activities’ section on Seesaw.

Kind regards,

Mr Edge, Mrs Wallace & Miss Withers

Logging into Seesaw

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