This week we are all working on words containing double letters like ff, ll, and ss. Erin has not only been practising her spelling, she has been creating art at the same time!
This week we are all working on words containing double letters like ff, ll, and ss. Erin has not only been practising her spelling, she has been creating art at the same time!
Thanks to all the children for their hard work again today. Here are just a few samples of the pieces of lovely artwork they have sent us recently. Thanks to Finlay, Cameron, Zakk, Hannah, Molly, Max, Lucy and Shae for these ones.
Photos by Jaya and Zakk this time.
We got such lovely Spring photos today that we thought we would share some of them on the blog so that everyone can enjoy them!
These are from Zakk and Cameron.
The answer is 77!
Halfway through the week already and the sun is still shining! Here are today’s tasks.
Here are the answers for today’s Education City and Grammar tasks so that you can see how well you got on. Remember that you can let us know if anything was a bit tricky for you.
Thanks again everyone for all your hard work today. Please thank the adult who helped you as well. Time for a cup of tea and a biscuit for them I think!
See you again tomorrow!
Click here for grammar answers
Click here for Dividing by 10 answers
Well done to everyone who showed us all their good work yesterday on Seesaw. You did a great job (and so did your parents!).
Click on the links to see today’s task sheet and the Grammar sheet that goes with it. You have some Education City tasks too. Education City wasn’t working too well for part of yesterday, but it seemed to be fine later on. If you have any problems accessing the site, try waiting until a little later – it might just be very busy.
Click here for Tuesday’s tasks
David Walliams has announced that he is going to read a story each day at 11 o’clock. You don’t need to listen at 11 o’clock – the story will still be available later!
This sounds like a really nice thing to do every day when we’re not at school. His stories are great and it is a real treat to hear him actually read them out. I should know – I’ve just finished the Gangsta Granny audiobook and it was excellent! (Thank you, Lauren A for lending me your book and getting me interested in the first place.)
Let Mrs Miller and I know if you listen in and enjoy the stories! Draw a picture from the story and post that too if you feel like it – we would love to see them and maybe post some of them on the blog for everyone else to see too!