Good afternoon. Hope you had fun with the problem solving challenges. Here are the answers. You can leave a comment to let us know how you got on.
Friday 24th April
Good morning Primary 4. Hope you have all been enjoying the lovely sunshine this week. Here are the tasks for today. Choose the ones you would like to complete and reply on Seesaw with your images and answers. Have fun and enjoy a relaxing weekend. Answers for the Problem Solving will be posted at 3pm.
20th April – Home Learning Answers
Good afternoon everyone. Hope you managed to find some time to get some exercise and try some of today’s tasks. Here are the answers. You can leave a post on Seesaw to let us know how you got on. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Home Learning – Monday 20th April
Good morning P4. Hope you managed to find some time to rest and relax over the spring break. Here are your tasks for today. Remember, you can choose from the mild, hot and extra hot tasks. You do not need to try them all. Have fun. Looking forward to seeing all your fantastic work.
Here are the links for today –
Home Learning – Friday 3rd April
Good morning P4. Hope there are lots of signs of spring where you are. Have fun with the tasks for today. Keep sharing all your hard work on Twitter and Seesaw.
And here is the Spelling City Link –
Wednesday 1st April Countdown Answers
I look forward to seeing all your solutions on seesaw, here is one possible solution for each countdown challenge.
Numeracy Answers – 30th March
Good afternoon everyone. Hope you had fun with the tasks you tried today. Here are the Numeracy answers so you can self-check your work. Remember you can respond on Seesaw and let me know how you got on. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Home Learning – 30th March
Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a restful and relaxing weekend. Click on the links to access the tasks and resources for today and remember to keep sharing with us on Twitter and Seesaw. Remember you can choose which activities to complete – please do not feel pressured to do it all. Answers for the Numeracy activity will be posted at around 3pm. Looking forward to seeing what you are up to today.
Numeracy Answers – 27th March
Hi everyone. Hope you had a lovely day. Here are the answers for the Numeracy activities. Have a wonderful weekend. See you all again next week.
Home Learning – 27th March
Good morning P4. Hope you have all had a nice week. Thank you for sharing your work with us on Seesaw and Twitter.
Here are today’s tasks. You can choose from the Numeracy tasks. It is not necessary to do all of them. Answers for the worksheets will be posted around 3pm. Looking forward to hearing how you got on.