If you are worried about money and need some advice, call our Money Advice and Rights Team on 0141 577 8420 or email mart@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or Citizens Advice on 0141 881 2032
If you need help with food or shopping you can find details of local support available on the We Care East Ren website; https://wecareeastren.org.uk/
If you need help to stay warm, make best use of energy and save money on fuel bills, contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 or email adviceteam@sc.homeenergyscotland.org
Children who receive a Free School meal are entitled to food packs if they are off school due to Covid19 call us on 0141 577 3575
COVID RESPONSE TEAM 0800 111 4000 or Shielding@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Customer First 0141 577 3001
Work East Ren www.workeastren.co.uk/ or call 0141 577 843
VAER Community Hub on 0141 876 9555 or by emailing hello@va-er.org.uk