Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

UNICEF Outright Campaign

As part of our Health and Well being topic this term P6/7 have taken part in UNICEF’s Outright campaign to speak up for the rights of refugees. World Children’s day gives children the opportunity to speak up and have a voice and this year we want to help change the family reunion law. As it stands currently the UK Government doesn’t recognise a brother, aunt, uncle or a grandparent as family – at least not if you are a refugee. Under the current laws, children must reach Europe to be able to reunite with older siblings, aunts and uncles, and grandparents waiting for them in the UK. Children fleeing war and persecution shouldn’t have to make these needless, dangerous journeys across land and sea to be with their family in the UK. We are calling on the Home Secretary to fix the family reunion laws and help reunite refugee children with their family in the UK where they belong, based on their right.

So far we have made campaign posters, and our next step is to write a letter to our local MP. Here are some of the amazing campaign posters with important messages.
