Welcome to our first blog!

Primary 3 have started a new topic about Vikings. We are very excited to learn all about how the Vikings lived. Most of all we are excited about our trip to Vikingar on 14th November!

Here are some facts about Vikings we have learnt this week:

  • Vikings believe in their own gods and goddesses.
  • The Viking women stayed home and done the house work while the men went out to work. We compared our lives to how the Vikings lived.
  • The Viking longhouse roofs were made out of turf.
  • Vikings were very good sailors.

Some people have been doing research at home and have learnt lots of new facts! Well done to all of those people.

Here are some messages from our class.

“I’m really excited to go to Vikingar because we get to have lunch there”. Lily

“I like learning about Vikings. I have learnt the three countries Vikings came from were Sweden, Norway and Denmark”. Kyle

We have been learning a Viking song called Loki the Joker. We are still learning all the words so feel free to practise this at home.

We hope you enjoyed our blog and look forward to reading more about what we have been doing in Primary 3.

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