Burns Day!

On Thursday we celebrated Burns day. We sung ‘Three Craws’ and ‘Ally Bally’ to all the grandparents and visitors.

Back in class we talked about Robert Burns and tasted some traditional Scottish food, haggis and shortbread. It was yummy!

‘The haggis was very nice but a little bit spicy!’ Tom

‘I like the haggis. It was yummy!’ Chase

We also learnt how tartan is made and then we made our very own tartan by paper weaving. It was great fun!

‘It was hard to weave but it was fun. I made the McFadyen tartan.’ Alistair W

‘I made the Marks tartan. It was easy and fun.’ Ollie M

‘I made the MacDonald tartan.’ Jessica

The Lighthouse Keepers Catastrophe

This week we have been learning about comprehension. We read ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Catastrophe’. We worked in stations and did four different activities.

‘I liked making the puppets so we can have a puppet show’ Jenna

We did some hot seating. ‘I liked being Mr Grinling. I used a mask and Alistair asked me questions.’ Lyle

‘I liked working with Mrs Murray answering the questions about the story. I like writing.’ Emma

Some children have also been learning about ‘wh’.

‘I wrote wh words.’ Bradley

Magic maths!

This week in P2/3 the triangles and the squares have been learning about place value, rounding and estimating. We enjoyed our ’rounding treasure hunt’, finding the hidden cards in the classroom and rounding the number to the nearest 10. Some of them were tricky to find!

We have also been counting forwards and backwards in tens and working out ten more/less. Here are the links to some of the songs we have been singing so you can sing along at home!

Next week we will be adding tens and units in ‘upstairs downstairs’ calculations (vertical). Remember to keep revising number stories to 20 at home!