Bonne Anniversaire!

P5 have been learning how to ask when somebody’s birthday is and answer correctly.

Lucas said, ‘Mon anniversaire, c’est le vingt-six âout.’

Shona said, ”Mon anniversaire, c’est  le vingt-deuz mars.’

Devran said,”Mon anniversaire, c’est  le vingt-trois octobre.’

Liam said, ‘Mon anniversaire, c’est le quinze avril.’

Orlaith says she knows all the months of the year now.

Caleb knows the days of the week.

We’ve been learning about festivals and how to say ‘Happy birthday!’ and how to wish someone a happy Easter, Christmas, Fathers’ Day and other occasions.

We can use the calendar in French and say when different festivals take place.

In the Family Centre we made models of a bus (un bus)  and boats des bateaux( using huge boxes-what fun we had!

P1 have been following the adventures of Minou and Trottine and their toys.

P2, 2/3 and P3 have been learning about different aspects of the weather- and we’re very glad to say, ‘Il ne neige plus!’

P4 are busy finding out about different parts of the body and will reveal their ‘monstres’ soon!

P6 have been finding out about musical instruments in French through Le Carnavale des Animaux.

P7 are looking at the Seasons and geography around La Camargue in the Languedoc region of France which is famous for wine, pink flamingos, black bulls and white horses.  It’s also a great place to go on holiday. Mrs Allen says to remember the mosquito repellent as the marshes attract big ones!



New Year, new challenges

What a busy time we have had in December and January.

December was spent finding out about Christmas traditions in France. P2 and P3 made ‘petits souliers’ and left them for St Nicolas who visited and left treats!

Across the campus we learned all about Epiphany and how it is celebrated in France. In the Family Centre the children loved baking galettes des rois and making crowns to wear.

P7 have been enjoying our visits from Ben the French Language Assistant from Eastwood High School on a Friday. He has been helping us with our speaking assessments about what we do in our free time and what we like to do at school.   we also sent card to our partners  in Italy, Poland and France. Why don’t you ask us about it?

P6 have also been very busy sending and receiving cards from our French Pen Pals. They even included a wee surprise of a special French sweetie to eat on Christmas Eve. Next, we will write a letter to them to tell them what we’ve been up to. Rosalin says she loved getting her card and finding out about her new French friend

P5 have been learning about the calendar in French, and can confidently ask one another when their birthdays are.

P4 are finding out how to say parts of the body in French. Watch out for our ‘monstres’ on Twitter.

P3 have been talking about the weather and know how to say lots of different weather phrases- very topical with all the snow we’ve been having!

P2 just won’t stop chatting in French! They can have real conversations now, using lots of questions and answers. Check it out on Twitter!

P1 adorent le francais! They are loving discovering what the toys in our stories get up to next. They can all say their names and ages and ask and tell each other how they are! The favourite game is ‘Trouvez une Place’ and they have to listen for a French fairy tale and follow the instructions for the action. ‘Grimpez vers le ciel’ (Climb up to the sky!) is the best one for Jacques et l’Haricot Géant. (Jack and the Beanstalk)

Across in the Family Centre the children have been extremely busy celebrating Epiphany the French way with crowns and galettes des rois, and we have been playing games and drawing modes of transport. I think Charlie liked the camion de pompiers best, and Lyle would not give the bus to anyone!

Another busy week ahead. The pupils are becoming real francophones!

A bientôt!