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P3b Week beginning 31.8.20

It has been a busy week in P3b and we are very much enjoying getting back into the swing of things. We are continuing with a focus on Numeracy, Literacy and Health and Wellbeing and have begun introducing other curricular areas. The children are very excited to begin their topic about the Egyptians and came up with some fantastic ideas this week about what they would like to learn. I hope you enjoy reading the children’s comments below.

Please note we have outdoor PE on Wednesday this week and we will also be in the woodland on Wednesday afternoon. Wellies, waterproofs and a jacket are very much advised.

Our indoor PE day is Friday.

Numeracy & Maths

I like completing my workbook on Time. I have been learning about o’clock and half past and worked on the number of hours before and after. Ben

I really like doing maths because I find it easy but it can get trickier and trickier. I like giving my brain other things to do. Emma

We have been writing different times in our jotters. We have been telling the time on analogue clocks and digital clocks. Tia

I liked it when we used the maths books to learn about Time. You had to colour in the correct clock. Gaby


On Thursday we read chapter 2 of The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. Ruairidh

In writing, we had to guess what happened next to Plop and none of us got it right but some of us were close. Ruaridh

I really enjoyed doing the writing about Plop because I like writing stories. Myla

In writing we were focusing on beginning, middle and end and wrote a story about what would happen next to Plop. Tia

We really had fun drawing Plop after we had written our story. Ross H

We did a listening lesson and we had to listen to instructions read by Mrs Agnew who told us what to do on the picture. Emma

Health and Wellbeing

We have been talking about what makes us nervous and scared. Joey

I like when we did the expressions of what scared looks like. Ellis

I liked it when we stood up and Mrs Agnew shouted out an activity to do, like touch your head, if you have ever been scared of spider. Gaby

Mrs Agnew shouted out, ‘Show me a scared face’. Tia

Expressive Arts

This week we made pictures of Plop from our class novel, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.  Lewis

First we had to draw Plop by following some simple instructions. Then we got some tissue paper and scrunched it up and glued it on. We then glued our stick on and made claws, a beak and eyes from orange foam. We made the moon and the stars to finish off our picture. Ruairidh

I liked the part where we glued on the moon and when we drew on the stars with silver crayon. Emily

I really liked the part where we put tissue paper on our owls because I like scrunching it up and creating the detail and I liked drawing Plop. Tia

I liked it when we added the eyes and I liked it when we also drew Plop and stuck the tissue paper on. Gaby

I didn’t like the bit when we put tissue paper on our owl because it made me all  gluey and it took ages. Chloe

I liked when we drew the stars and stuck on the moon. Sophie

On Wednesday, with Miss Burdge, we voted to see which type of vehicle we were going to draw. We chose a fire truck and will keep working on this over the next week. Emily

Physical Education

This week we played Hula Hoop Showdown and you had to jump through the hoop until you got to the other person. When you met the other person you played rock, paper, scissors to see who could continue along the hula hoops. It was very easy. Kyler

If you met and you won rock, paper, scissors you could keep on going. If you made it through all the rounds you got to join the back of the line. It took a very long to get to the front once you were at the back. I really liked it. Lewis

I like when we played Tig as our warm-up. Japleen

With Miss Burdge we did lots of exercises in the Muga. Some of them where burpees, squats, jogging on the spot, star jumps and high knees. Kyler, Ruairidh, Lewis, Emily, Joey and Ross

I enjoy when I get tug in Disco Tig with Miss Burdge because I get to do a funny dance. Sophie

P3a Week Beginning 31st August 2020

PE in the MUGA

In PE we played lots of team games. We also did some relay races and finished off PE with some circle games. Here are some photos below:

‘I really like the relay races’. -Sarah Mitchell

Active Spelling

In our active spelling this week we wrote our spelling words using, chalk pen, pebbles, chalk outside, rice trays, magnetic boards and playdough. ‘It was a bit tricky to find the letter ‘E’ in the pebbles!’ -Darcy.

Here are some photos:


Time Hunt

This week we have been working on time in our Maths lessons. We have been learning half pasts and o’clock. We took part in a time hunt.  ‘The time hunt was really fun’-Chenul.

Here are some photos:


This week in our listening lesson we had a picture of a girl blowing bubbles. We had to follow the instructions that Mrs Scoular read out. Here are some pictures below:

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

This week we read the next chapter of our book in class. ‘Plop met the old lady and told him that dark was kind’. – Zak.

We answered questions about the chapter we read.


This week we had to predict the next part of our story, ‘The Owl who was afraid of the Dark’. We were so busy writing them that Mrs Nisbet forgot to take photos! Here are a few examples:

Mrs Scoular was so impressed and said we all worked super hard.


In art this week we started to make our owl art. ‘We stuck our owl to a black piece of paper and then we scrunched up white tissue paper and covered our owl with the paper’. – Harris

We will upload the owls next week when we have finished them!


This week on Wednesday we made rafts. ‘We made them out of sticks, cellotape, rubber bands and a bin bag’. -Maira

‘I like testing out the boats on water’. -Millie

Health and Well Being

This week in health and well being we did a Bounce Back lesson. ‘It was fun to learn about health and talk about what we are scared of’. – Hadia

Settling into P3b – 28.8.20

Primary 3 have settled in very well to the new term and have enjoyed getting to know each other along with Mrs Agnew. The children have adapted very well to their new environment and all are enjoying having their own desk and seat.

Each week we will complete our blog with comments from the children. This gives an insight into their thoughts and feelings about their learning.


Every week we choose 3 books from the library and put them in our tray for the rest of the week. Tia

We had to decide from different categories which group names we would be. We chose animals and then eventually we ended up chosing mythical creatures. Our groups names are mermaids, trolls, pegasus, griffins, loch ness monsters and werewolves. My group is the Griffins. Lewis

For social studies we completed a vote to chose our next topic. It was a really hard choice. We chose Egyptians. It looked really cool and the Egyptians were around over 500 years ago. Ruairidh

I really enjoyed creating my self-portrait with sunglasses. Harper

The last couple of weeks in P3b have been excellent and I have really enjoyed them. Isla

We are currently creating owl pictures and on Thursday we drew the outline of an owl. Tia

Numeracy and Maths

The class have started learning about Time, focusing on o’clock and half past. We will be continuously revising numbers bonds to 20 along with sequencing numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have also been looking at strategies to add on and subtract 10.

We are learning about Time and are learning about o’clock and half past. I got a little mixed up with half past 6 and 7 but I am now finding it a little easier. Joshua

I really enjoyed solving the Mystery of the Golden Goblet. I really enjoyed completing each page with different maths questions which gave a clue and allowed us to score out each of the pirates and at the end it was between Thomas and Isobel and at the last moment we found out Isobel found the golden goblet. Lewis


We have started a novel study on The Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark. We have read chapter 1 and will be completing our own story next week in class about what happened next to Plop. We also discussed adjectives and looked through the chapter to identify adjectives, particularly focusing on ones describing Plop.

We were learning about the story, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. We just started drawing the outline of the owl. Chloe

A couple of weeks ago we started learning about Plop and in the first chapter we found out what Plop looked like. He has really knackety knees and is really cute. He met a boy in the first chapter and they watched the fireworks together. Plop thought the fireworks were amazing! Ruairidh

Plop sees some fireworks. It was good. Plop felt sad about fireworks. Ross J

I had fun learning about Plop, he is fluffy and has knackety knees. He is also fat. Gaby


We will spend a lot of this term learning outdoors and will initially be focusing on orienteering skills. We are having a little trouble uploading the photos of the children in the woodland. They will be added to this blog as soon as possible.

We enjoyed a scavenger hunt in the woodland – Gaby

We worked with a partner to find objects with a card on them. On each card was a shape or a word and each gave us a clue to help solve the special message. Gaby

We used a map that told us the numbers of the locations that we needed to find the objects at. On the back of it there was a table to record our information on the table. Isla

The special message was ‘Primary 3 are Super Stars’. Ruaridh and Kyler.

On Monday, we went to woodland to each collect a stick to be used in a piece of artwork. Eva

Active Spelling

We used active spelling  to help us learn some spelling words we found tricky to spell. We also learned some common words. Chloe

Boom was one of the games we played. You had to pull out a lollipop stick with a word on it. You have to ask a person to spell the word. If they get it right they get to keep the stick, if they get it wrong then you get to keep it. If you pull out a stick with the word BOOM on it, you lose. I liked playing this game. Lewis

We wrote on our desks with chalk pens. I liked it but I would like more time to do it next week. Joey

I went outside with the chalk and wrote my spelling words on the ground and it was really fun. Ruaridh

We used magnetic letters and we spelled our words with them. The hardest part was not mixing up the ‘l’ and ‘j’ letters. Emma

Getting Creative

Lewis and Emma made a robot pattern with lots of different colours (photo to follow).

Ruairidh, Isla and Kyler made the Eiffel Towel with the Numicon.

Eva and Gaby enjoyed creating a rainbow.

Marvellous (mental) maths


This week in Maths and Numeracy we have been learning to sort and display information.

“We used Venn diagrams to sort our materials.  You have to put the things in the correct place in the circles. You put something in the middle if its both things”.  (S)

“In the photo above you put the wooden circle in the middle because it is wood and a circle”. (H)

In this photo, we were sorting out things in the box. If it was blue it went where the blue whiteboard was, and if it was plastic it went where the plastic whiteboard was and if it was blue and plastic it went in the middle.” (G and M)


“We also used tally marks to record our sorting.  Once you’d done the tally marks you put the number in the last box”. (E)

“To make tally marks, you do four lines down and then one across”. (R).

“”As part of our mental maths we played a game.  We all had calculations and we swapped numbers around. Then we had to try and find groups of 4. There were two adds and two takeways in each group of 4 like this 5+10 =15, 10 + 5 =15, 15-5=10 and 15-10”. (B, S and G)

P2a Materials experiments

We have been working on identifying different types of materials, their properties and choosing materials to do specific jobs.


We combined all these skills in making houses to protect little paper people.  From our work on houses and homes, we knew that houses had to be strong and waterproof. We could choose from lego, jenga bricks, playdoh, bubblewrap, metal and wood.  Have a look at the results in our photos below….

We made the people to go in our houses out of paper and pens so if the water came through we would be able to tell. (B.O)


1. Our house was strong but not waterproof because the bubblewrap roof was too small. Our people got very soggy but it didn’t blow down! It was very delicate to move.


 2. We put lots of bubblewrap on the roof so the little people stayed dry. We used lego for the walls and because we thought that it would be strongest. We used the bubblewrap on top to make it waterproof.


3. Our house was strong but not waterproof. The roof didn’t blow down, but they got wet. We did lego for the walls and bricks for the roof.


4. Our house was strong.  We used lego and bricks. Putting it together was tricky. The jenga blocks and playdoh were tricky to put together. We used the bricks for the walls.



5. We used metal for the roof so the water wanted to go off it (run down).  The lego walls were strong. We didn’t have time to make big walls.


6. We made the walls from Jenga bricks because we thought it would be strong but it wasn’ so we kept adding more playdoh. Our people got a little bit wet.  The roof was made of lego.  We added extra bits into the gaps.


We had two houses that were strong and waterproof.  These were the best designs with the best materials.

Our spoooooky play in P2a in our own words

As well as our usual learning, we had some spooky play in P2a this week. We used our fine motor skills, number bonds and spelling skills.  Here is our week in our own words.

We were making pumpkins.  We used paper, glue and pompoms. (JM)

I added lots of strips and I had to use lots of glue (SK)

It’s really hard but when you tried a few times it worked out. (CA)

I didn’t know how to do it but then I made two!  I added four pompoms. (EG)


I cut out a skeleton.  We glued it onto paper.  I really liked mine.  It’s a rock star skeleton (BO)

We worked together to make one.  We had to work out how small the pieces had to be.  Then we cutted it to the right size.  We used loads of glue. (ZL)

I finished mine but I found it tricky.  I got gluey fingers! (TG)


We gathered white boards together to make a big haunted house.  It was a bit tricky but it was easy too.  There was a big army at the bottom and they’re were trying to kill all of the monsters in the haunted house. They had vampires, zombies and ghosts and skeletons and spiders.  There were people trapped in the dungeon saying “Help”.  We used a speech bubble. (LG)

We made a spider wall. We used our spelling words on the legs (JF)

We put the sound in the middle on the body (TG)

I liked making the spider and writing the words on it.  I liked writing on the legs to learn about the sound (EC)

Mine looks like a fling spider because it’s high up the window! (ZL)


We had to get the numbers backwards and forwards in the spider.  If you found a number you put it in the cup.(MM)

We were trying to get the right numbers. You weren’t allowed to touch the spider web (JN)


We had to use calculations up to 20 with a partner to make a potion. (FR)

We used some spiders, some bats and some worms in our potion. (BM)

Fantastique Francais in P2a and a materials hunt

We had three French visitors to our classroom this week who were learning about school in Scotland.  We practised short conversations to say our name, our age and where we come from.  They were very impressed with our accents! We sang Frere Jacques in a canon.  Nous sommes  fantastique!



We used different resources to practise our maths skills this week.  We created subtraction calculations using skittles and used the laptops to create numbers using tens and units.


In Science, we have begun to explore different types of materials.  We had a class scavenger hunt to find different items that were hard, soft and smooth.

From this we talked about what the items were made of.  We found lots of wood, plastic, metal, glass and fabric in our classroom.  Then we moved outside… can you guess which materials we found in these photographs?










We will use this knowledge to practise our sorting, designing and construction skills over the coming weeks.

P2B Speedy Skills

In P2 we take part in a range of morning activities to practise a variety of literacy and numeracy skills. The boys and girls can choose from individual or partner activities to warm up their brains ready for learning.

One of our speedy skills jobs has been writing different words that start with d and b.

We have been learning about ay, ai and a_e sounds.  The boys and girls have thought up lots of their own examples.

“I made the alphabet using the cubes”.

We have been making 2 digit numbers using tens and units.

Here are some of our number bonds to 10 using numicon.

We have been using cubes to explore number families to 20.

P2a Creative construction

We have made such a lot of progress in our play!


Lots of us choose to visit the construction area in our play.  Here, we learn to play co-operatively, share fairly and develop each others’ ideas.  When we create something, we use it imaginatively to tell stories and role play. Our structures are much more complex now, with more balancing and enclosing skills.  Look at our fabulous photos of work we were so proud of we took a photograph of it ourselves.

“This is a giant’s house with  steps and a slide to get in.”

“This is my boat in the water.  The water is the blue part and then we can see from the red part at the top.”

“This is a castle with some bad guys.  You can shoot from the top.  Some bits have fallen off but we fixed them together and made it better”

“This is a house with a man and a bit to crawl into.  We used some Lego and some of the blocks.  The balancing bit was hard”.


“We built this altogether.  It was hard because it fell down but we kept trying.  There are lots of windows.  It’s a townhouse”.




Houses and Homes P2B

We have been learning all about different houses and homes as part of our IDL. At the start of term we discussed what we would like to find out about. We decided to set up our role play area as an estate agents. The boys and girls have had lots of fun taking customers notes and finding them a house that suits them.

We have learned about lots of different houses around the world and why people would live in them e.g. igloos for warmth.

We have also been looking at maps and directions. Using a map of our local area has helped us identify important landmarks in Newton Mearns.

There have been lots of opportunities for building new skills, such as working as a team and solving problems. We have worked together to make houses for the 3 little pigs, discussing what materials would work the best.

We have had lots of fun using different play provocations to make a variety of houses.