P2B have really enjoyed taking part in our whole school Maths week. We have learned lots of new things and explored our exciting new maths trolley.
We took part in indoor and outdoor activities linked to our numeracy learning. We have explored different ways to make 20 using counters, rek and reks, cubes and numicon.
“I was trying to make 20 in lots of different ways”.
“We were using beads to make calculations to 20”.
Our outdoor area was a great place to investigate concepts, such as capacity, measure and ordering numbers.
“I used measuring sticks to see how long the pipes were”.
“We used pegs to see what side was heavier, one side went down”.
There were lots of opportunties for indoor exploration as well. We used geoboards to make pictures using different shapes, numicon to practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and lots more.
“I made a teepee with a triangle”.
“We were making buildings to 100”.
We are looking forward to using these new resources throughout our numeracy.