Playing, working and learning together in P1a

In maths we have been using 2D shapes to create tiling patterns, while discussing the names and properties of the shapes we are using.

We have also been investigating numbers up to 100, looking at patterns, numbers before and after, place value and how 2 digit numbers are made up of tens and units. We have also been practicing our number bonds and solving addition and subtraction problems.


In literacy we have been learning about writing instructions for a range of different things. We looked at how we need to make a list of what is needed first and then describe each step using language such as first, then, next and finally.

 In P.E we talked about different sports that use rackets and looked at how we can use rackets and balls within games and paired activities.

 We decided for our new topic we wanted to learn more about being healthy and have come up with some great research questions that we are going to be looking into. They are………

Should we take medicines if we are not feeling well?

What kind of food is good for your health?

What happens to our bodies when we do not eat good food?

Why is it important to exercise?

Other things we have been enjoying,



solving calculations……

writing and sharing stories……..

performing our show…….

working together……….

creating symetrical patterns……

And developing our ICT skills…….

Great Learning in P1B!

Welcome back to our blog!

We have been working hard, getting back into our school routine after the Easter holidays.

In maths, we continue to build on our number knowledge and our ability to use numbers flexibly.

We have been working together to solve problems including addition and subtraction.

We enjoy creating calculations for a partner to solve!

In literacy, we continue to explore a variety of texts on our own and with a partner.

Here we are sorting books into fiction and non-fiction. We even sorted the features of each such as, tells you information, has characters, has a context page and so on.

We are able to organise the letters of the alphabet in order!

We also continue to develop our skills of writing instructions!

We have been putting steps in order and then writing instructions using the pictures as an aid to help us. We are always careful to number each step and begin them with an opener!

In gym, we are now focusing on athletics!

We continue to explore different ways of moving our bodies, developing our throwing and catching skills and working collaboratively in a team.

Our new topic is all about ‘Keeping Safe and Healthy’, we discussed what we already know about being safe and healthy but also came up with questions of new things we would like to learn.

We decided that we wanted to learn about how to be safe in the car and how to be safe when crossing the road. This made us think lots about Road Safety and so we created posters to warn people of the dangers of being unsafe near or on the roads!

We now know how important it is to wear a seatbelt when we are in the car and to stop, look and listen for any vehicles anytime we prepare to cross the road!

Keep up the great work P1B!