All posts by Mrs Allan

w/c 26th February by Kate and Omar

On Monday morning we did mental maths on twenty four hour time and converting it into 12 hour time. After break we did literacy comprehension about Martin king Jr. Then after lunch we did more work on Black Lives Matter. We listened to the story of Rosa Parks and then Martin Luther king Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. 


On Tuesday morning we had Mr Wilson so we got into groups of two and drew something that would help one of the five senses. After break we learnt  most of the body parts in French and we wrote it down in our French booklet. Not long after break we finished of our spelling and then after that we did maths. We looked at a real train station timetable and we answered questions on it.     


On Wednesday morning we had writing and we were finishing off our books that we made to read to the P2 children next week for World Book Day. 

Then after break we did maths on figuring out how long the length was between times and played a game as a class tournament. After  lunch we did IDL and art, in art we were drawing old radios from the 1950-1960.  

On Thursday we finished our radio art after we did that we did top trumps for our books. After break we had PE at Eastwood and some people did football and others did netball. After lunch we did maths and we were planning a trip to the cinema and we had to work out the time and price to a budget.              

w/c 20th February by Ben and Micole


On Monday Morning we talked to each other about our weekends. It was interesting hearing about other people’s weekends. After that we did negative and positive numbers in maths. In the afternoon we had Mrs Doyle come in for a quiz. It was very fun. 




On Tuesday morning we did science and in science we tried different flavours of a drink, one being sweet , one being sour and one being bitter and which parts of the tongue had these taste buds.


After break we created a book all about French then we did maths. In the afternoon Mrs Allan asked did anyone have any questions for Lockerbie and it turned into a forty minute chat! After that we finished the quiz.



On Wednesday we did writing with Mrs Naser and we did a book for the primary twos. It was interesting and fun . Afterwards we did gymnastics with Mrs Slorach  for P.E . In the afternoon we did negative numbers word problems for maths.


In the morning we got to choose what non fiction book we wanted to read and there were two groups for the books and there were Warriors of the World and the Battle of Passchendaele. We created questions for others in the book. 

Then we did some maths on chance and probability. After that we started our new topic BLACK LIVES MATTER by looking at old photos and talking about the discrimination and how it made us feel.


In the morning we handed out all our jotters to go home. Then we filled out a form on how p7 is going. After break we watched a safer internet live lesson with Miss Mc Neil.


w/c 5th February by Rayan and Varda



On Monday morning, we did some maths. In maths we were focusing on areas and compound shapes. Then after break, we did comprehension on the suffragettes. In the afternoon, the digital leaders spoke to us about internet safety and how we are safe on the internet! They also showed us a video about cyberbullying.




On Tuesday, our Tuesday teacher, Mr Wilson, came to our class and taught us about the nose in science. Did you know that the boogers in the nose are actually dried up snot?  We did some smell tests.

And after break, we had French. In French, we’re working on a French book and we were focusing on colours and numbers in French. After that, we did Spelling! In spelling, we were focusing on the words that had ‘graph’ in them. It was hard, but eventually we got it. The hardest word was bibliography.

Then, in the afternoon,  we did Health and wellbeing. The teachers tried this technique called the “Discussion Carousel”. There were 2 circles of people, and there was 1 inside, the other on the outside. The first circle has to ask questions, and the outer circle has to answer them. We asked questions like “Do you feel like we’re taught about rights enough?” Then, we reported them to the class. It was pretty fun!



On Wednesday morning, we did some writing. We were writing about a suffragette called Emily Davison. Did you know she got trampled by the king’s horse at the Epsom Derby! After break we did some P.E. We first played a game called “wet feet”. How you play it is that there are 2 cones on each side then spaced out in front are another pair of cones, then you have to jump across. And if your feet land in between the cones you have to do 20 jumping jacks! Then after that we played another warm up called “poison ball”. How it worked was that there were 6 people and everyone else was at the back wall. The 6 people had to roll footballs and the rest of the people had to run across without getting hit by the ball. If you did get hit you would become one of the poison people. In the afternoon some of our parents came and the class were doing suffragettes activities. The pupils whose parents didn’t come had to do the green activities and the pupils’ parents who did come had to do the purple activities. It was fun!




On Thursday morning we finished off our writing, and we talked about the suffragettes and the death of Emily Davison.  Then we finished off maths and our big Cat books.  In the afternoon, more parents came to visit.


w/c 29th January by Ben, Gabby and Sophia

On Monday, in the morning we did our first standardised test of P7,  which was the literacy one. It continued after break. Then we did art based on making a drawing with something Scottish on it and something Chinese with it inspired by an artist called Sarah Kwan. 



On Tuesday we did science in the morning with 2 cups and a string. We cut a hole through the cups and put the string through and then went further away from each other and we could hear each other through the cups. It was very fun. After break we did French where we continued our French book. And we finished our art after.




On Wednesday, first we did writing, we had to turn GoldieLocks And The three bears into a newspaper article. After break we did PE, continuing fitness. After that we finished off our maths and we did areas of complicated shapes.




On Thursday we did our maths standardised test. It had 70 questions and it took up until after lunch. After that in the afternoon we did IDL focusing on voting and what order events about women’s voting happened in.



w/c 22nd January by Lucas and Rayan



In the morning we did maths about bar charts. It was a bit hard, but eventually, we got it.

After lunch we did literacy.  We did ISPACE sentences which changes our opening words  and after we could read either the grey ghost or the house across the quaggy . We talked about our books too.


After break we had to go on the chromebooks, and search about Exercise. We had to trust a good link, cause we had to make sure the information was correct. Afterwards, we wrote our tweets.


Before lunch we learned about in the past how only the men could vote and the women were really mad soon after the women got to vote too.




In the morning we had Mr Wilson, our new teacher for Tuesdays. In the lesson, we were learning about eyes, and then we did an experiment to see how eyes work. After that, our teacher made us make our own experiments, and one of them was super cool. Did you know that eyes have a million different receptors?


After break we had to make a language/guide book about French. For French, we made a front cover and a back cover for the book.


After lunch we did more work on charts and graphs, looking at pie charts. 



In the morning, we had to write about what didn’t happen during our Christmas holidays and make it into a newspaper.  We saw some examples, and one of them was our teacher Mrs Allan cooking christmas food with green food colouring!


After break we had P.E. and we did a beep test some of us could make it to the end but some couldn’t.  After the beep test we played corner football it was intense and it was also fun 

After lunch we had numeracy and maths. We were learning about pie charts we had to do TJ3B. It was pretty hard, but eventually we made it. 




In the morning we had Maths. In maths, we were doing a partner task. It was an area game, where we had 2 dice. When we rolled them, we had to make a rectangle/square out of the numbers using centimetres. 


We did some Scottish poems such as Robert Burns poems. Why? Cause it was Robert Burns day! The other poems had to do with a child begging for a dog to his/her father. 


Afterwards, we had lunch. It was special because we had Scottish food for Robert Burns day. 


Then, we had IDL. We went into groups, and did some research about the suffragettes and the suffragists. We also wrote about them on a sheet. Did you know the suffragettes tried to make a change by creating events, protests, and illegal stuff?


w/c 15th January by Gabby and Ruby



On Monday morning we did some maths. In maths we were doing percentages, fractions and decimals. We then made a game of dominos by writing percentages, fractions and decimals.


After break we did comprehension on the beast of Bodmin Moor which was a newspaper article.

After lunch Mrs Doyle came in and did some new years resolutions with us.




On Tuesday Mr Wilson was in for the morning and we did science on sensory organs. Sensory organs are our senses. After break we did some French and we got into groups and were planning what we were going to learn to teach others in our school.


After French we discussed our homework and did some spelling work. In the afternoon we did some more  maths on percentages, decimals and fractions. 




On Wednesday morning we did writing on the features of a newspaper article and practised our 5w’s.

After break we did P.E in the gym hall and we did some fitness stations, Hula hooping, wall sits, tricep dips etc.  After lunch we did some more maths on percentages, decimals and fractions.


On Thursday morning we did some health and well being making water posters about the importance of hydration on canva. 


After break we did more maths on percentages, decimals and fractions. After lunch we did literacy and we read our big cat books and did some questions on them. 



w/c 8th January by Alfie B and Lewis



In the morning we did health and wellbeing and we did a class scavenger hunt on what we did on the holidays. After we did numeracy and maths fractions on our whiteboards. After break we did comprehension on the northern lights and answered a few questions on the text.


After lunch we did art about the northern lights using chalk to draw the aurora borealis and using black paint to do the mountains. We will make them into a 2024 calendar.


In the morning we had Mr Wilson to do fun questions and then we did kapla and it was too fun! After break we finished up our kapla with Mr Wilson. Once he left we did spelling and there were very tricky words. After lunch we  looked over  our homework and then did some maths about remembering our skills from last term.




We did writing and we wrote one thing that happened in our holidays and made it false. We did PE which was fitness and we did stations, some of them were shuttle run,ladders and bench climbing. After lunch we did a vape live lesson all about the dangers of vaping and how they are made. Then we did maths.




We did maths about percentages and we went on the chrome books and used textbooks as well.

We got new books to read and questions about. The books were The House Across the Quaggy and The Grey Ghost. After lunch we were discussingThe house across the quaggy and The grey ghost  and while one group was chatting we did active spelling! Then we asked more questions about vapes and from the live lesson too!



w/c 18th December by Mehr and Varda



On Monday morning, we did some maths and we changed topics and started coordinates. We had to solve a mini murder mystery sheet where we had to find who the killer was by using coordinates. After break, we did comprehension on a story called Jurassic park and answered some questions. Then after lunch we did some Christmas art. We got to do a Christmas card and a bookmark ribbon style, it was very fun.


On Tuesday morning, we had Miss Ralston and we did some Spanish Christmas cards and games, it was very fun. After break, some people went to give lessons to a different class and the rest of the pupils did some RME about Christmas. After lunch, we did some more coordinates in maths. We had to make a snowflake design using coordinates.           


On Wednesday morning we did Tinkercad and we had to make a reindeer shelter and it had to have food, water and we had lots of fun.

After break we had to finish things off and some other people went for their lessons. Then after lunch we did snowman art and we used chalk and oil pastels. We had to make the snowman look like it was above us.



On Thursday morning we played an elf game using coordinates, and it was very fun! After lunch we had our Christmas party. We played some games like corners and musical bumps. After lunch, we all did a Christmas quiz, there were six rounds and it was super fun.

w/c 11th December by Ben and Eva L


On Monday we were doing maths, in maths we were learning about angles, we were looking at how triangles have different angles and naming different types of angles.

We also did some group work discussing and every group is going to teach a class doing a type of lesson with winter theme or Christmas theme across the school from P1-P6.

Then we did Jurassic park comprehension and it was interesting and fun.




On Tuesday we watched the p2b nativity which was very entertaining and interesting to watch. 

Then we did Spanish learning about Christmas in Spain and made posters about what we had learned.

And we did science learning about magnets and we filled in a sheet about what we had learned. 

We did some religious studies and learned some more about Christmas.

Then we did some maths learning more about angles.



On Wednesday, in the morning, we completed maths. In maths we did more work on protractors and played maths games at the end! This was really fun. In the afternoon, we did group work. In group work we have been planning a lesson to teach to a class that we were assigned to teach. For example; Drama, Art, PE, etc. We had the option to make google slides, this was really fun.



On Thursday we did PE in the playground. We were doing some basketball skills, it was really fun! Then we did some literacy focusing on what order your adjectives should be placed and some different ways to start sentences. In the afternoon we were finishing our lessons and Mrs Allan found a fun Christmas challenge for us to do from GCHQ. 

w/c 4th December by Mehr and Sophia


On Monday, first thing we did maths, we had to be able to name 3 different types of triangles, this was good to learn about. After break we did Comprehension on Theseus and the Minotaur. After lunch time we tried a new art piece, in the art piece we made it look 3d using warm and cold colours, this was really fun!

On Tuesday, in the morning we had Miss Ralston for science and we learnt about different forces and did a bingo game.

After break ,we did Spanish with Miss Ralston, we made Christmas posters about how Spanish countries celebrate Navidad, which is Christmas! Afterwards we did some spelling along with Active spelling. After lunchtime, we did numeracy & maths, continuing types of triangles, this was a fun day!

On Wednesday, we started the day off by doing writing, continuing from a short film that we watched. We had to continue the end of the short film, predicting what we think will happen! At the end we watched the unexpected ending from the video. After break, we did maths. We completed our corrections and a worksheet, continuing our topic on triangles. After lunch, we finished completing our zen triangle art. We also got to create origami 3d stars or a paper chain. After this we decorated our classroom for Christmas!


On Thursday, in the morning we did maths. We were working on more complicated versions of triangles. After breaktime, we went over to Eastwood for our last week of PE there till after the Christmas break! This was fun and it was not too rainy! After lunchtime, we did scratch, we have been doing scratch for a couple of weeks now and created the code for our own games.