w/c 29th January by Ben, Gabby and Sophia

On Monday, in the morning we did our first standardised test of P7,  which was the literacy one. It continued after break. Then we did art based on making a drawing with something Scottish on it and something Chinese with it inspired by an artist called Sarah Kwan. 



On Tuesday we did science in the morning with 2 cups and a string. We cut a hole through the cups and put the string through and then went further away from each other and we could hear each other through the cups. It was very fun. After break we did French where we continued our French book. And we finished our art after.




On Wednesday, first we did writing, we had to turn GoldieLocks And The three bears into a newspaper article. After break we did PE, continuing fitness. After that we finished off our maths and we did areas of complicated shapes.




On Thursday we did our maths standardised test. It had 70 questions and it took up until after lunch. After that in the afternoon we did IDL focusing on voting and what order events about women’s voting happened in.