All posts by Mr Flood

Class blog- 13th October

In writing we describe a setting of our choice. For example, most of the class wrote about a Fortnite map.

In literacy we did comprehension questions from the poem “The Brook” and the questions were really hard! We also did spelling in our booklet on Monday!

In maths we tried out a new way of chimney sums and it was hard to learn it but then once you got the hang of it, it was simple enough.


In P.E on Thursday we went over to Eastwood High School to do our P.E. There were S6/S5 students (the sports ambassadors) where teaching us a sports lesson. The whole of P7 was at Eastwood High School so they split us into groups.

For STEM we were making bridges and marble runs and towers with Kapla. The challenges were to make a bridge made only from Kapla, a tower from just 50 bricks, and a marble run to move a marble 1 metre. 

In the Apprentice we were making a still ad and a TV ad for a company called “No Bovver Hoverboard” . It was really fun and I think everyone enjoyed it! We made our TV ad with iMovie on the iPads and filmed them in the school!

Blog this week by Cormac and Harley!

Maths Week

This week has been Maths week.

On Monday we learnt about calculating speed of objects. After lunch we all went outside in groups to calculate how fast we can do different things like: Rolling a basketball, throwing a tennis ball, running down the track and hula hooping.

On Wednesday we had S6 from Eastwood high come to teach us about the Milky Way. We also got sweet’s when we answered a question.

On Thursday we made a marble run with Kapla. My group made some drops and when we had to make giant walls when we had a big run down a path.

On Friday we all made paper aeroplanes to see who had the one that went the furthest. Then we threw it again then calculated what speed it went.


Blog this week by Sam and Isaac.

15th September


This week we were working on subtracting, adding, multiplying and dividing decimals in chimney sums.

This week we did some problem solving too.


This week we were predicting what was going to happen next in our class novel we are reading called Cloud Busting.

Also, in comprehension we completed a page about The Loner which is a poem about a boy in a school that was always by himself standing next to a wall and had no friends. One day he disappears and no one knows where he went.


In PE we were working on our fitness skills by making our own work out routine that had to include 5 exercises that would increase our stamina and strength.

Languages and science (with miss Ralston)

In language we are learning Spanish and did a Kahoot quiz about words, places, and objects in Spanish.

In science we were learning about organic farming and how it’s healthier for the environment. We also learned that organic food is more expensive.


For “International Dot Day” we did some art inspired by a Russian artist named Wassali Kandinski who was one of the first people to do a modern day art named abstract art.

Blog by Olly and Harley

Class Blog 1st September

Hello and welcome to the blog of week 3!

This week we have been doing lots of exciting things

In P.E:

For indoor P.E we did relay races. For example, racing to a cone and back , adding another cone and running to each one and back before continuing to the last one, and lastly  laying down at the middle one and five jumping jacks before running back.

For outdoor P.E we worked on making up our own game so far we have the following rules:

You have to get the ball to the opposing team’s side

You can’t run with the ball you have to throw it to each other

You can only have the ball for seven seconds before throwing the ball.

In Maths:

Early in the week we were revising multiplying 2 digit numbers and adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers . We also did some problem solving.

And later in the week we were doing some maths games like killer twelve with times tables and kaboom.

In Literacy:

We continued our Cloud Busting topic. We read a chapter and then made an inference about the characters. We read on finding out more and more about them, finding out if we were correct.

In Writing:

We wrote simile poems about something of our choosing such as a place, a time, holiday etc. We also wrote a short simile story about something going wrong, like being late for class, falling over or forgetting something.

We also made some Kapla models inspired by Cloud Busting.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s blog thanks for reading.

Written by Sophie D and Daisy

25th August

In P.E  we did capture the flag where there is two teams and you have to race to get the other teams flags before they get yours. Whatever team gets all the flags first wins. We found it a lot of fun


This week we found out who the house captains are.

The houses are Arran, Harris, Iona, Islay, Skye, Tiree

The house captains in our class are

Olivia, Cormac, Inaaya, Olly


On Thursday for science we looked at pictures of old daily items and tried to guess what they were. For example a record player, morse code machine and a cassete tape. This activity was fun.


For literacy we learnt about inference and looked at a book  called Cloud Busting and we predicted what would happen then we read the first chapter and it was all written in poetry!


For maths we made math posters for the wall and practiced adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplication.

We enjoyed our first full week back.


Blog this week by Morven and Alexander

18th August

Welcome to the p7a blog. This week we have been learning:


In maths we have been playing some maths games and also doing a bit of problem solving. The maths games we played were killer 12 , kaboom and buzz.


Health and wellbeing

In health and wellbeing we were learning about our rights. We looked at all of the rights and decided about the most important ones at school.  We then made a poster on each of the important rights and how we can respect the rights at school.


We wrote about if we ruled the school and what changes we would make such as having no school uniform and shorter days.


We did lots of getting to know you arts and crafts tasks that involved making all about me sheets and also lots of labels for all around the class.


We did a STEM challenge to make a wearable name tag from card, string, pipe cleaners and a paper clip.


The blog this week was written by Matthew and Ethan.