All posts by Mr Flood

Class Blog – 13th September


This week in maths we have been learning about percentages. We had to find percentages of different amounts.


In P.E this week we have been working on fitness. We made fitness routines in groups and then practised them.


This week we started creative writing about characters. We had to write four paragraphs about different characters’ emotions, showing how they felt through their actions.


This week in literacy we had to write a prediction about what we think will happen next in our books.


In STEM this week with Mr Atkinson we learnt about fertilisation and we had to complete a comprehension sheet in our jotters. We also started making a fact file about different plants around the world.


This week we started a new topic about business. We have been split into teams to form our own companies. We started by a team building challenge to draw a house without touching your teammates paper as we will have to work well in a team.


Blog this week by Hadia and Sara


Please note- Every week I ask the class for permission to include their photo in the blog. If they don’t feature they have likely asked for a photo not to be included.

Class blog- 14th June

We’ve had a great week for sports week trying out judo, learning about Portugal as our assigned Euros team, writing imaginatively about playing for Scotland, completing bikeability and building stadiums from KAPLA among other things.



Class Blog – 23rd May

This week we’ve been recovering from Lockerbie by starting our bikeability, completing RSHP lessons and doing shows practices and prop making! We found a little time to write about our trip to Lockerbie and work on our comprehension skills.

We also went for a quick daily mile as part of walk to school week.

Class blog- 3rd May

A very exciting week!

We’ve been at Eastwood for some science lessons, started working on our show, and today we had our colour run!




Class Blog- 22nd March

This week in Science with Mr Wilson we made models of wind turbines that we had designed.

We continued our work on discrimination and civil rights looking at the Bristol Bus Boycott and the debate around statues.

We also had some fun in the woodland on Friday, featuring dance moves, building and attempted tree climbing.

Class blog – 15th March

We’ve had a very busy week in P7. A trip to Newton Mearns Baptist Church for Easter Code on Monday, designing windmills with Mr Wilson on Tuesday, Eastwood P.E and then the Lord Provost debate on Thursday, and making chain reaction machines for STEM week on Friday.

Here’s some photos from our trip:

Class Blog – 8th March BOOK WEEK

This week has been World Book Day (a whole week at Crookfur!)

We were inspired by Grand Designs to create some new designs for the ultimate book corner.

We visited the P2s and read them the books that we wrote and illustrated.

We did a live lesson from the Literacy Trust and Premier League. We answered book and football questions.

We all got to visit the Crookfur Book swap and get a new (second hand) book.

We used iMovie on the iPads to create videos of us reading our books. Some people tried to make some tie in games on Scratch.

At the woodland this morning we re-created some scenes from books. Can you guess what the books are?

Class Blog – 1st March


In maths we were learning about volume. Volume is the space an object takes up. We did an activity with Kapla. We got into partners and tried to make shapes like cubes and cuboids. We had to estimate the volume then our partner would measure it to see how close we were.


In literacy we did a Martin Luther King comprehension and we focused on his I have a dream speech. We got a copy of his speech and highlighted all of the powerful vocabulary and statements.


We also continued work on our children’s books for World Book Day. 


In PE we went to Eastwood to have netball or rugby/football tournaments. We were split into teams and we played 5 games and the team with the most points in the end went to the finals. 

This morning in PE went out into the muga and played a new game. There are two teams and there is a line down the middle. There is a ball in play and the team with the ball is trying to throw the ball over the line. If the ball hits the ground the nearest player to the ball is out.


Blog by Morven and Daisy


Class Blog – 23rd February


This week in maths we did negative numbers like -5 -7

This was good because we did a fun game with bingo balls and a board game in which you had to get 3 in a row to get a point.


This week we did some work on our books. We are getting through quite well. We also did comprehension.


We started a new topic about Rosa Parks and why she was protesting. We went around the room and looked at different pictures and said what we thought about them.


In P.E we did gymnastics. We looked at some jumps and how to do them safely.


We started making children’s stories for world book day.


We did a taste test of sour, bitter, salty and sweet flavours. We saw that the sides of our tongues were more sensitive than the middle.

Class Blog – 16th February

 This last 2 weeks in p7a we did lots of things.


In literacy this week we did lots of things, one of them being that we got new books. There were 4 different books. We got to each pick what book we wanted, then read a bit of the books, then answered questions on them. We shared what we had learnt with a group.



In maths we did something different but fun. We did the one million paper challenge which is where you got a stack of 500 pieces of paper and had to work out how tall one million pieces of paper would be.

Open afternoon

We had a busy time with the open afternoon last  week because we showed our parents  our topic of the suffragettes by being in small groups and moving to different groups in the class .

Internet safety

This week the digital leaders came into are class and showed us a presentation all about how to be save of the internet it was fun and helpful .

Overall it was a very fun week.

Blog this week by Ethan.