Class Blog – 23rd February


This week in maths we did negative numbers like -5 -7

This was good because we did a fun game with bingo balls and a board game in which you had to get 3 in a row to get a point.


This week we did some work on our books. We are getting through quite well. We also did comprehension.


We started a new topic about Rosa Parks and why she was protesting. We went around the room and looked at different pictures and said what we thought about them.


In P.E we did gymnastics. We looked at some jumps and how to do them safely.


We started making children’s stories for world book day.


We did a taste test of sour, bitter, salty and sweet flavours. We saw that the sides of our tongues were more sensitive than the middle.

Class Blog – 16th February

 This last 2 weeks in p7a we did lots of things.


In literacy this week we did lots of things, one of them being that we got new books. There were 4 different books. We got to each pick what book we wanted, then read a bit of the books, then answered questions on them. We shared what we had learnt with a group.



In maths we did something different but fun. We did the one million paper challenge which is where you got a stack of 500 pieces of paper and had to work out how tall one million pieces of paper would be.

Open afternoon

We had a busy time with the open afternoon last  week because we showed our parents  our topic of the suffragettes by being in small groups and moving to different groups in the class .

Internet safety

This week the digital leaders came into are class and showed us a presentation all about how to be save of the internet it was fun and helpful .

Overall it was a very fun week.

Blog this week by Ethan.

Class blog – 2nd February


This week in writing we did a newspaper article about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Standardised test

This week on Monday and Thursday we had our standardised test and we did reading and maths, in maths we did mental maths and written questions. I thought some of the questions were hard but I think everyone did well.


In maths we were finding the areas of triangles and composite shapes.


This week in art we got Scottish things and mixed them with Chinese things. I drew an Irn Bru character holding noodles.


Blog this week by Murdo and Matthew